chapter 8

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Lukes Pov

"Lets go to the park" I say. She nods and smile. I put on my black joggers on. She puts on her yoga pants and my 5sos shirt on and heads downstairs. I follow her.
"Where are you guys going" Mama Right says.
"Just a walk through the park"
"Okay, have fun" We head out the door. I hold her hand as we walk down the street. A car stops and a guy rolls down his window. He has a group a guys that are around my age in the car.
"Hey pretty thang" The driver says. Lucy hold up our hands locked together and points to it. He glares at me and smiles. He whispers to the passengers ear.
"I dont know who you think you are calling my girl pretty thang" I snap
"Calm down Luke" The driver says.
"How do you know my name" I take one glance at him. My mouth drops
"Cody" I say. Lucy looks confused. I walk up to the window.
"I didnt notice you withe the new hair style.
"I know man, I didnt want to do long" I laugh at him.
"So you got girl I see, no more Audrey. I shake my head.
"Audrey is history and is never gonna be brought back, Me and my beautiful girl Lucy is the future and we are gonna stay together forever.
She stands right beside me.
"Shes a keeper and she has a nice....." I cough before he could finish. She smiles at him.
"Im cody and. I grew up with him in Austrilla. I knew she didnt care that much nbecause she was playing with her fringer.
"Il call you alright man" I nod. He winks at Lucy and drives off. I grab her continue to walk. It takes us 15 minutes to arrive here. There is alot of children playing. Lucy sits on a bench by the tree . A girl stops with a baby stroller and sits down. She has black hair thats goes past her shoulder and sje wearing yoga pants with a proud mother shirt.
"Hey Lucy" She turns to look at her.
"Oh my gosh, Hey Kimberly." Lucy stand up snd hugs her. Kimberly shows her the baby and Lucy smiles.
"He is so cute" Kimberly takes him out and puts him in Lucys arms. Lucy looks so adorable holding him.
"Hi Jackson" She says holding his little hand. She swaying back and fourth. Kimberly looks at me and smiles.
"Who might you be"
"Oh Im... Luke her boyfriend" I stuttered. She looks back and fortb at both of us.
"Dont hurt her please" I nod.
"Don't worry I wont" I say. Lucy hands Jackson back Kimberly.
"You wanna hold him" kimberly says walking towards me. I shrug. She told me how to hold and I nod. She puts Jackson in my arms and Im really nervous. I look down at him and hes smiling with his eyes open.
"He must like you" Kimberly says. I cant believe he smiled at me. His blue eyes collide with mine. I smile at him. I hand him back to Kimberly and he starts crying. She put his baseball pacifer in his mouth but he spits it out. She puts him in the stroller and hes crying even louder. She gives him jis bottle, but he didnt want it. She gets a call.
"I gotta take this, Can you guys watch him. We nod. She walks away and stands by a tree. We walk to the stroller and Jackson is still crying. Lucy put her pinky in his little hand and shakes it. He is still crying. Kimberly walks back to us.
"Can you guys watch him for the night because I have a meeting" Lucy looks at me and I shrug.
"Yeah sure" I say to her. Lucy hugs Kimberly. Kimberly kisses Jackson tear stain face. Hes still crying. Lucy takes the stroller and walks back to her house. She takes Jacksons carrier out and places it in my hand. I carry it to the living room. Lucys mom must be out. Lucy walks in and smiles at me. She takes Jackson out of the carrier and he is still crying. She looks at me.
"Im gonna go upstairs and grab him some toys" She gives me Jackson and heads upstairs.
"Hey Jackson"I say and he stops crying. He opens his eyes and looks at me. I smile. I sit down on the couch and rock him. I grab his bag and find a note on his bottle. Feed at 5:00. I look at the clock and and its 4:30. I feel his bottom and its wet. I grab a diaper and find a note. It has instructions on how to change a diaper. I put his cloth across the couch and lay him against it. I do what the note says and I was done. I lifted him up and walk to the trash can and threw it away. I looked at the clock and it was 4:59. I wonder what is taking Lucy so long. I go back to the livinging room. I grab his bottle and feed it to him. After 10 minutes finishing his bottle he falls alseep in my arms. I lay down on the couch with him curled up in my chest. He smells so good. I love his little black hair and his little hands. His baseball socks wers the cutest. They are white with blue stripes with a baseball plush on the tip of the sock. They must love baseball because they even dressed him in a baseball player outfit. Lucy finally comes downstairs with a bunch of toys. She puts them down. They look old. She was covered in dust.
"Aww he fell alseep in your chest" I blush. She kisses my cheeck.
"Someday you will be a great father" I laugh.
"Your gonna be a great mother"
"Together we would be great parents". We both say together. I can imagine me and her having a little Jackson. I would take him out for Ice cream, teach him ball, let him play in my band, I would love him till the day I die. Lucy waves her hand in front of my face.
"Luke what were you thinking about"
"Ill tell you later" She nods and smiles. Lucy phone rings. She answers it and leaves out the room. She comes back in the room.
"Kimberly will be her at 8:30" I looked down at Jackson and smile. Lucy heads up stairs. She comes back downstairs and sit right next to me. Jackson wakes up. He doesnt cry. Lucy pokes him.
"Hey little Jackson" She says in a high picth voice. He lifts up his head and looks at her. Shes almost in tears. I look at the clock and its 7:30. Lucy grabs him from me and walks to the kitchen.
"He must be hungry" She says
"I feed him at 5:30" I say. I grabbed his bag and grabbed his second bottle. The note says: Heat in the microwave for 30 second and feed at 7:30. I grab the bottle and pu it in the microwave. Lucy sits on the couch and feeds him. After he was done, she put him on her shoulder and pats his back, then she rubs it. He burps. Lucy laughs. I grab a diaper and the note says: change him right after he eats. Lucy scrunches up her nose.
"Someone needs a diaper change" She grabs his towel and lays him down the couch. He mad a big mess in the diaper.
"You are a smelly little adorable baby" She wiggles her nose in his face while smiling. They are so cute. She changes him like she did it before. She was much faster than me. I guess I was a newbie at this. She lifts him up with her hand supporting his head.
"Look at his outfit" Lucy points at his baseball outfit. I smile.
"What did you want me to make for dinner" She says. I shrug. The front door opens and its mama right.
"Hey you guys, sorry I am late" She stops and drops her bags.
"Is that little baby Jackson" She squeals and walks over to Lucy. She grabs him. She smiles at me and Lucy.
"Aint he just the most custest baby ever, like kimberly is amazing being a mother" She puts her pinky in his hand and shakes it around.
"We should get his things ready" Lucy says and she puts his bottles in the bag. Mama right looks at me and smiles. She puts him in the carrier. Jackson starts crying.
"Aww its okay" She gives him the pacifier. He doesnt want it.
"What a fiesty little baby." She takes him out the carriee and he doesnt stop crying. Its like Im a plane with a thousand babys screaming. I have a mild headache, but it isnt to bad. She rocks him around, but he doesnt stop crying. Lucy grabs him, but it didnt make any difference.
"Whats wrong with him" Mama Right says.
"He was like this when we were at the park with his mother" She says with a worried face.
"Well maybe he just misses his mommy" She smiles at him.
"Well can you take him mom while I get the rest of his stuff ready. She nods.
"Ill take I say" They both laugh.
"Im serious, Ill take him" Lucy rolls her eyes and walks toward me. I grab crying Jackson and put him in my arms. He stops crying. Lucy and Mama Right has a shock on their faces. I shrug.
"He must like Luke" Mama Right giggles. I rock him back and forth and hum him a song. He drifts off to sleep. I put him in the carrier and he doesnt make a peep.
"Wow you are good." Lucy kisses me on the cheek.
"Now are you guys planning on making me a grandmother because I would love you guys if you do" Lucy looks at me.
"Yeah, but not until Im finish with college" She smiles.
"Im surprise you are agreeing to this Luke"
"Well I really dont mind having a baby, I will actually enjoy coming home to my beautiful family" She blushes and her are start to water.
"That is the most beautiful thing you said. I shrug and smile. The door knocks and Lucy goes to answer it.
"How was my little boy doing." Kimberly higs Lucy and walks to the carrier.
"How did you guys make him go to sleep" She put her hands over her mouth.
"Luke did it" Mama right says. Kimberly hugs her and kisses her on the cheek. She hugs me and says thank you in my shoulders.
"It is hard to put him to sleep at tgis hour." She hold his little hand. She grabs his bag and his carrier and walks to the door.
"I will let you guys know when you can watch him again, if thats alright" We nod and smile at the same time. She heads out the door and I plop down on the couch.
"Im gonna go read a book, Love you guys". Mama right kisses us and walks to her room.
"Love you to Mama Right" "Goodnight" Lucy plops on me and kisses me. She lays on my chest and turns on the tv. The breakfast club comes on. This is one of my favorite movies. Mean girls and Anchor man are my most favorite movies.
"Luke you are adorable" She whispers.
"Like a penguin" she giggles. I stoke her hair back and forth.
"I love penguins thats why in the band Im Luke The Penguin" She laughs.
"Im adorable and Fluffy" She swats my chest. She leans in and laughs into it. I kiss her forehead and smile.
"We should hang out with the band tommorow. I whisper. She nods.
"Are you tired" I stroke her hair. She shakes her head. I know shes lying because she is kinda snoring. She diesnt make a sound. All I hear is snoring after five minutes. I smile. I grab her and carry her upstairs. I lay her down and she groans. She pulls me down to the bed and I smile.
"I was waiting for you to carry me, so I can do something special to you. She kisses me after each word. She goes in to the closest and runs to the bathroom. I lay back and watch. She comes ou in a white lace lingerie dress with a bow in the front. She has her hair in a ponytail with a white bow behind it. Wow she looks hot in it. Im getting harder and harder looking at her perfect slim body.
"Come here my sexy little girl" She growls and runs to me. I take her under the covers and enjoy myself inside her. She lays down on my chest and breathes softly.
"I love you my penguin." I giggle.
"I love you my... I dont know one for you yet" She kisses me on the cheek.
"Dont worry" I smile and pull her naked body to my chest

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