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The moonlight fell over his soft skin, almost kissing his cheekbones. A gush of excitement got mixed with the red color on the palette, making a soothing pattern in the background. The trees, no less than giants, murmured to each other. The moon glinted through the clouds. The stars glowed in the dark, making the atmosphere romantic. Soon, the wind started to blow. His strokes were falling on the canvas perfectly. The darkness of the midnight city is now mixed with Arthur's quiet admiration and a hint of mystery. Arthur picked up the black color as he continued to paint a portrait under the warm street light. He stopped his light or angry strokes of brushes. He sat there at the edge, lit up his cigarette as the only songs from my vinyl started to play from the corner of the streets. He started to think about Mr. Kempler's suggestion. He now seemed to be fully concentrated in his mixed-up mind. But after a few conflicts between his mind, he finally decided to take the step. He will finally compose his first solo album in India with his dad's friend. After all, 33 million is a great amount. It's just for one year. He convinced himself to go there. But somehow, he felt someone was like tagging him through a dark hole. He shook his mind to remove those intrusive thoughts. He stared at the nearby window of his nearby house only to see his shadow on the walls. Somehow, the window crept him up. He took his mobile phone and came down to his vacant house and proceeded to fall asleep on the bedroom.
He is not ready for this new journey.
He didn't know when he dozed off.
Next day...
The alarm turned off; his shaky hands stopped the alarm from echoing through the hallway again.
The clock struck 13:05 in the afternoon. He woke up to find 2 missed calls from Robin and from Mr. Kempler. He went inside the toilet to freshen up.
After finishing his breakfast in his lavish dining room, he went inside his bathroom to lay down and relax in the bathtub.
He has been working hard for years to gain respectful recognition and not be someone whom people know as a star kid. After his father's passing away, he finally felt he can live on his own and no longer have to satisfy him.
Mr. Arthur's band had announced that they are finally taking some time off from fame and focusing on their solo music career. His team members, Adrin and Augustus, are going on a hiatus.
After taking his 34-minute bath,
Soon he realized he forgot to ring them back.
He picked up his phone and after 2 or 3 rings later, robin picked up the call.
"Hi," Robin responded.
"How are you?" Robin asked.
"I am good."
"I heard you are going to India; are you sure about this?" Robin asked.
"Yes," Arthur stayed inaudible even though deep down he knew he wanted to talk to his best mate about how things aren't going well with him, or how his nightmares keep getting worse.
"Hmm, are you sure about it?" Robin insisted.
"Yes, I have made up my mind."
"When are you leaving?" Robin asked.
"Mostly tomorrow."
"We haven't seen each other in a long time," Robin responded.
"I know."
Robin stayed silent, even though he could clearly sense the distance between him and his best mate, who used to be each other's anchor.
"How are you honestly?" Robin asked because he knew that something is making Arthur anxious.
"I am fine. I just had a bath, and I need to pack my stuff, so I guess I will see you later, Robin."
"Oh, okay."
Arthur hung up.

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