The Complete Recovery

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Izzy's POV

The day after I got discharged from the hospital, me and Jake went to Scotland. Now it's two weeks later, after me and Jake came back from Scotland, I was at the hospital for the final checkup on my knee.

"Are you okay Izz?" Jake asked me.

"Yeah, I'm just worried if my knee will never get better." I exclaimed as I was rubbing my hands together, really fast.

Jake placed his hand on mine.

"Izz, one calm down, and two, your knees will be better." Jake exclaimed.

"Isabella Green!" I heard the nurse call my name.

"Cmon Izz, let's see if your knees are fully better." Jake exclaimed as he helped me up and I used my walker to help me.

I felt like an old lady.

We arrived at the doctor's room, Jake helped me to sit down.

"Hello, are you ready for your x ray?" The Nurse asked me.

"Yes." I exclaimed.

"Well let's take you to the x ray room." The Nurse exclaimed.

Jake helped me up and I used my walker to help me walk to the x ray room. The Nurse opened the door for me and I used my wallet to help me walk into the room and I walked towards the x ray table.

She picked me up and placed me on the x ray table. She placed an apron on my shoulders and chest.

She positioned the x ray camera towards my knees.

"Lay very still." She exclaimed before she left the x ray room.

My x ray began.

Jake's POV

I was waiting for Izzy and the nurse to come back.

I heard the door open and it was Izzy and the nurse. I got up and hugged her.

"How did it go?" I asked her.

"It went okay. Hopefully both of my knees are recovered." Izzy exclaimed before we sat down.

"I've got your x rays here. I am happy to say your knees are completely recovered from your surgery and you're good to walk on your own without using a walker." The Nurse exclaimed as me and Izzy hugged each other.

"That's fantastic news Izz! And for a surprise, I'm taking you to the water park." I exclaimed as she hugged me.

"I love you!" Izzy exclaimed as she kissed me on the cheek.

"I love you too." I exclaimed.

Izzy's Knee Injury Where stories live. Discover now