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Jihwa: Oh my god

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Jihwa: Oh my god...

Jaemin: I told you not to burn it. Yes or no?

Jeno: Yes.

Jaemin: And what did you do?

Jeno: I burnt it.

Everyone looked at the burnt dish and then back at Jaemin who was burning holes into Jeno's head with his glare. And just as he opened his mouth to say something else, Mark interrupted.

Mark: Okay separate them. 

Jihwa grabbed Jaemin's shoulder and pulled him to the living room. Whereas Haechan and Jiayi went on an entire cooking lesson spree to Jeno. And she heard one of his reasons clearly.

Jeno: I just wanted to help him and make him happy.

 As she sat Jaemin down at the sofa she saw him looking at Jeno. He had a different look though and Jihwa understood that he had heard Jeno too. 

Jihwa: You guys are so annoying.

His eyes switched to her's.

Jaemin: Yeah okay whatever. 

Jihwa: Just tell him.

Jaemin: No.

The girl rolled her eyes and leaned back. It would only be them seven tonight. 

Renjun: He never listens. 

The boy said without looking up from his laptop.

Jaemin: Just say you hate me.

Renjun: I hate you.

He said raising his head to meet Jaemin's eyes.

Jaemin: I-

Renjun: What? You told me to do it.

Jaemin: Yah Huang Renjun-

Jihwa: Boys.

The two looked at her and then leaned back in their seats. Renjun looked back into his laptop. Jaemin instead leaned his head on Jihwa's shoulder, sighing right after. 

Jaemin: When will the teachers return?

Jihwa: I am not sure. But classes got cancelled till then.

Jaemin: Then why didn't Chenle and Jisung come?

Mark: They said something about studying.

Jihwa sighed and closed her eyes. Tiredness from the classes and exams finally weighing on her. She was lowkey glad it all got cancelled. She even regretted taking two majors.

Jihwa: Jiayi? How did you survive fourth year? I am dying. And Shotaro just refuses to help me. 

Renjun: He wouldn't. Its cheating. Sungchan had asked me too.

Jaemin: And obviously you said no.

Renjun: Obviously.

Jihwa: Y'all can help out a bit. A tiny bit. No?

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