Chapter 8

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Acxa was relieved when she saw the Red Lion landing on the surface of the planet and Keith emerging out of it. Although she trusted the Emperor and Red Lion fully, there was still a part of her that wanted her to be at his side all the time. It wasn't just about his safety, rather, it was something more; something she couldn't quite figure out.

"It is good to have you back, Your Majesty," Acxa said and bowed as Keith walked inside the grand castle.

Keith gave her a small smile and nodded in acknowledgement.

"I'm taking the kingdom didn't fall while I was away," he said and headed inside; Acxa on his heal.

She blinked. Twice.

"Did you just crack a joke again, Your Highness?" she asked him before she could stop herself.

It was a never in a blue moon sight to hear him joke but sure enough he had just joked with her. And he never did that. But then again, Keith wasn't the same around her. Their chemistry was good and they were always open and more talkative around each other. Perhaps it was the need of their Emperor-General relation or perhaps it was more than that. Or maybe it was both.

Keith just shrugged and continued onwards.

"Call a meeting with my high commanders in an hour," Keith instructed.

"Understood, Sire," replied Acxa.

As expected, an hour later The Emperor was in a meeting with all of his commanders. Those who couldn't make it were on screens, listening intently to what their Emperor said.

This meeting held the utmost importance. Keith talked about his strategies to unite the Galra Empire so the Empire wouldn't collapse on itself due to no harmony on the inside. He commanded the commanders to stay alert and to spread his message through their ranks and bases and planets.

It was hard to visit each and every Galra occupied base at a time and Keith knew all of this would take time to settle down, but these were dire times and needed that the Emperor himself visit all the Galra occupied bases and sectors.

The meeting ended and the commanders left the meeting room one by one respectfully.

Keith turned to Acxa.

"Acxa, send the coordinates of all the nearest Galra sectors to the Red Lion and prepare a fleet of Galra. We leave in two hours," he said.

"Your Highness, you just returned from one battle. It is necessary that you take rest before heading out like this," she said.

Keith sighed.

"There is no time for rest, Acxa. You understand it as well as I do," he said.

She nodded and remained quiet. She knew he was right. She knew he was worried. But she also wanted him to take care of his own health. He was the Emperor after all, and the Empire needed him. He had to see to his well being but for some reason he never understood that fact.

And yet, every time, it was always Acxa looking out for him, keeping him and his routine in check so that he didn't get carried away with his duties and sunk into them so bad he forgot his own self.

A few hours later, the Emperor was ready to leave with a fleet of Galra soldiers and with instructions to the other fleets to back him up in case of an emergency. He hoped to solve everything with peace and would try to avoid battles and fights at all costs.

Acxa stood in front of the Red Lion with Keith as he gave her final instructions.

"If you need me anywhere at any point, I will come as fast as possible," she said.

Keith couldn't help but smile.

"It feels nice to know that my general cares about me," he said. "Assuming that you care about me and it is not just because I am the Emperor."

That was his way of joking but Acxa didn't laugh. Her face remained stoic.

"It doesn't matter if I care about you only if you're the Emperor, or more," she said quietly.


She shook her head and took a step towards him.

"It is gonna be a long journey and who knows when you'll be back. Take care, Your Majesty, and have faith in yourself," she said.

And then she gave him a very small, but quick hug. Keith's face immediately turned the color of the Red Lion. She hadn't displayed any form of physical affection towards him and this was new to him. But a part of him liked the short hug from her.

Despite Keith being busy and caught up with all his responsibilities as the Emperor, there was still a part of him that missed the others greatly. He was used to them being around and taking care of each other in their own and subtle ways. He was used the Shiro, Lance, Pidge and Hunk being around and to Coran and then his mother as well.

But now that he was the Emperor, he felt alone. And he missed those people he called family; the people who were always by his side. He was used to being taken care of by them.

Now, it was Acxa who played a part of that. She was at his side at all times, making sure he slept and woke up on time, making sure he ate and took care of his own self. And Keith had grown used to her being there, admittedly.

Keith said nothing regarding the short hug but the next moment he saw Acxa bow a little.

"I am extremely sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I got carried away and......"

Keith shook his head.

"You have nothing to apologize for, Acxa."

His reassurance made her lift her head up. If she had hugged Lotor like that, he would have fired from his ranks. Lotor was all about the practical things in every matter and while Keith was practical too, he was also open to feelings and emotions like other beings. Acxa couldn't help but compare them at times. And she saw Keith as a much better person than Lotor.

There had been a time she looked up to Lotor but that was way back in her past. Keith was her present and her future. He was the promise of hope and warmth and sincerity, unlike Lotor, who had been driven by his hunger for power. Keith was the promise of a present and a future very bright.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. If there is any need of me, contact me immediately. I would be of as much help as I can," she said.

"Glad to know that I can count on you," Keith said.

Acxa nodded firmly and Keith smiled.

"I will always be the general you need and can count on, Your Majesty."

Keith looked at her for a moment before putting his helmet on. Acxa thought he looked cute with the helmet but she didn't admit it to herself until later and of course she would never tell him that.

Keith turned around and in no time he was soaring up into the skies again. But this time, he would be going for weeks, leaving her behind.

But whatever Acxa thought and did, she knew a part of her had missed him when he had been gone away for the past few days and she knew she would miss him even now.    

The Red Paladin | Keith x Acxa - Kacxa - VLD ✔️Where stories live. Discover now