Nineteen|| Break In

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"It is a frightening thought that in one fraction of a moment, you can fall in a kind of love that takes a lifetime to get over."

-Beau Taplin

Nineteen|| Break In

Picture this: You're in your bed at three in the morning practically begging for sleep when you hear a strange noise downstairs.

The first thing that comes to mind is that Michael Myers is climbing your stairs at that very instant.

Or that Chucky gave up on Andy and he was going to suck your soul out of your body.

But despite all the horror movies you've seen of all the references you can possibly make, you go down stairs out of curiosity with something in hand- usually something stupid like a lamp or in my case, a hair dryer.

Then you find the most unexpected thing in your kitchen- like a raccoon or in my case, Parker Gray.

I let out a relieved gasp as I lowered the hairdryer to a safe level.

"What the hell are you doing here, moron?" I whispered angrily.

Parker shut the fridge as he chewed on the red apple in his hand. "Don't ask, it's a really long story."

He walked passed me and started climbing the stairs, completely ignoring me.

"Parker," I scolded quietly as I rushed to follow him.

He stared at the open door of my room and walked right by it before kicking of his shoes and jumping on my bed.

"What are you doing? Get out!" I shut the door- so my parents couldn't hear much-, walked towards him and started pulling on his arm. "Get up."

Deja vu.

Parker didn't bulge. In fact, he didn't even open his eyes before he tugged on my arm.

As you may have guessed, I fell.

"Sleep," he ordered while he curled his arm around my waist and pulled me flush against him.

I gulped and prayed that he couldn't hear my racing heart.

"Parker," I started once an awkward silence had settled. Well, awkward for me.

"What?" He groaned.

"Can you please leave?"


I pursed my lips and tried to shift but Parker's arm held me from doing so.


I let outa sigh and went limp, realizing that I wasn't going anywhere.

"You better be out of here by the time my parents wake up."


I hesitantly closed my eyes and soon enough, sleep took over me with only one last thought in my head.

Stupid boy.


"I shit you not, Olive. Parker Gray is in my sister's room as we speak."

I was awoken by a familiar high pitched voice that had me cringing in my sleep.


I sprang up, which totally failed because Parker's arm was still around me. Curse him.

"Yeah, she just woke up," Melody scowled and muttered a quick bye before shoving the phone into her Bra.

"Melody, it's not what it looks like," I started as I tried to pry the arm away from me.

"Save it, sis. I don't want to know," she looked at me evilly and then turned around on her heel, "But I'm pretty sure mom and dad do."

My eyes widened and I quickly tried to push Parker off me, but the boy had a strong grip.

"Melody! No!" I cried and held my hand desperately.

"Melody, leave your sister alone," my dad yelled from downstairs and I froze.

I looked at the alarm clock and internally winced.


Meaning dad hadn't left for work yet.

Yup, I'm dead.

"I'll do anything, I swear," I stated angrily through gritted teeth. The sentence managed to catch Melody's attention because she quickly turned around and tapped her foot on the carpeted floor.

"I'm listening."

Parker groaned and turned around, taking me with him. Now I was staring at the white wall and Parker's back was facing Melody.

"What do you want?" I questioned and I could practically hear the fear in my voice.

There was a slight pause and I felt even more fear fill at the pit of my stomach.

"Mmm, I kind of want a pair of Parker's boxers," she remarked casually.

I choked on my own spit and started having a coughing fit.

What the actual hell? How could- why?

"Why!" I exclaimed and turned around fully but my view of my saint of a sister was covered by Parker's body.

"Do you know how much a pair of those babies would sell for? There a about 300 girls in my school who would kill for them," Melody explained as she crossed her arms.

"No! I refuse to do such thing!"


"- Alright, I'll get them," I hissed. Melody smiled at me and walked off.

If you thought befriending the bad boy was difficult, imagine stealing a pair of his underwear.

IMPORTANT Author's Note:

I swear I was going to update yesterday but I wanted to sleep 45 minuted and ended up sleeping all night.

It's that time of month... Eww, not that one. It's the time where I get to read a book for school so I can take a test on it.

I always read it the last two days and this beautiful book consists of 450 pages, pretty easy if the letters weren't microscopic.

It's for Friday...

So can you guys make me feel better.

I'm setting goals. Don't worry, If we don't meet the goals I will still update. But if we do, I might update sooner.

18 votes

200 reads


Can we get that? I hope we do.

M'kay bye.

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