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Yuta: Sh

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Yuta: Sh... its okay...

Jihwa had woken up from a nightmare from her past again with a scream, waking Yuta up too who was sleeping next to her. 

He ended up pulling her into him again as she cried into his chest.

Jihwa: I am scared. 

She muttered and he kissed her head. 

Yuta: I know... it okay, i am here... you'll be fine. 

Jihwa: I can't sleep.

Yuta: Its okay... its okay... 

He ran a hand through her hair, lightly massaging her scalp while at it. It seemed to work. It seemed to calm her raging mind. 

Yuta: Its okay... try sleeping...

He said soothingly into her ear. Yuta hated seeing her like this. And it only worried him because he had to get back in the morning. He couldn't leave her like this.

Jihwa: Do you have to go back later?

She asked in a low voice.

Yuta: I do...

He whispered back.

Jihwa: You can't stay?

Yuta: I am sorry Minnie... i can't.

Jihwa: Its okay... That's fine...

He could tell she was not happy. But there was no way he could cancel the mission.  Maybe if he could convince Taeyong...

He looked down at Jihwa who was slowly closing her eyes again. She could sleep, she just didn't want to. Once she was finally asleep, Yuta grabbed his phone dialling Taeyong's number. 

Taeyong: Yuta... if this is about staying you can.

Yuta: Really?

Taeyong: She needs you. I am going to have Johnny, Ten and Doyoung continue. Please... take care of her.

Yuta: Yeah... thanks...

He hummed and cut the call. Yuta looked back at Jihwa, caressing her head as she slept. 

Yuta: I am right here. 

He whispered to her sleeping figure. 

Yuta: I will be right here.


That morning when Jihwa woke up, the atmosphere was still gloomy. Yuta was not next to her bed and she expected him to be on the mission. But when she went downstairs she saw him serving breakfast on plates for the Dream members.

Yuta: Jaemin... eat something. Please.

The younger didn't do anything but picked up his chopsticks and ate silently. Jihwa herself pulled her jacket closer to her body. Yuta momentarily froze when he saw her. They were silent as they made eye contact but he did send her a small smile. 

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