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I don't regret forgiving him but I needed to for my own mental health, I didn't mean to kiss him, it was just my natural instinct, but it was the only thing that felt normal in that situation. When I got the call from Nick that Matt was in jail for speeding to get to my place to apologize, I could help but let out a really loud laugh. I think it was karma on my side or something, but it was so funny to me. I decided to come because I felt like I needed to, it would've been wrong if I didn't. I was back home now. I didn't want to go to the triplet's because I was afraid I would listen to my heart not my head and it could of ended badly, makeup sex or something. I was laying in my bed texting Matt about his jail experience, when I heard a knock on my apartment door. It was 2:30 in the morning who the hell was at my apartment, I went and answered it, and revealed Matt in the doorway.

"What the hell are you doing here? How did you get here? Why are you here?" I asked all at once.

"We need to talk properly, I took an Uber, and I already said why I was here," He replied.

"About what? We've been texting for the past hour," I moved to the side indicating he could come in.

"Let me see your arms," He replied.

"I'm sorry?"

"Let me see,"

There was no way he knew, "Why?"

"Because, I wanna see something," He kept trying to get me to roll up my sweatshirt sleeves.

"Absolutely not," I let out a nervous laugh.

"Ava please," He was eager.







"Yes," I said and realized what I said, throwing my hand over my mouth.

He rolled up my sleeve and nothing revealed, and then he rolled up the other and there they were, what he was looking for, what he somehow saw. He looked down at them, then back up at me, then down again. He just pulled me into a hug, causing my heart to break.

"I'm sorry," I started to cry.

I don't know why I was apologizing to him about this, if anything, our situation was why I relapsed, I didn't want to put the blame on him though, because that wasn't fair to him. I already felt horrible for doing it, I didn't want to make him feel horrible too. 

"It's my fault," He spoke.

"No, please don't say that," I replied, letting the tears run down my face.

"Ava it is though, you wouldn't have if I didn't grab you at the party, we wouldn't even be in this situation if I didn't kiss that girl, Ava this is my fault, I am not good for you."

"Would you stop with that? I know you're not, okay? But I can't stay away from you because I fucking love you," I was getting angry.

"Then stop fucking loving me," He replied.

"Don't you think I would if I could? News flash buddy, that's not how fucking love works." 

"I love you," Him saying that made me so angry.

"You can't just tell me to stop fucking loving you and then tell me that y-YOU LOVE ME WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled.

"AVA MARRY ME." He angrily yelled.


Hello my lovelies <333 I hope you enjoyed this chapter I'm sorry I left you on such a cliff hanger, but it's going to be alright, what do you think Ava will say?

I love you all so much <333

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585 Words!

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