Bacca Stealing

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Well I haven't actually left today have I? Oh well. Anyways before y'all watch my sanity fly out the window let move to the next chapter.


"No worries. I got this," Jerome said.

Mitch was still crying softly into Jerome's shoulder as Jerome turned of the lights and turned on the night light in the Vikklan room.


Jerome walked into his room with a still crying Mitch on his shoulder. "Baby Biggums, does it hurt or are you just tired."

Mitch looked up at Jerome and looked like he was trying to stop crying but he just couldn't manage it. "Can't stop," he sobbed. He buried his face in Jerome's shoulder and just sobbed. Jerome sighed tiredly. Mitch wasn't really hurt. He just was over tired and couldn't help himself. He was only 4 after all.

Jerome just rubbed Mitch's back "Shhh Benja. It's alright. I promise. Do you want to go bed?"

Mitch nodded through his tears. "Do you want a story Mitchy?"

Again baby Mitch nodded. "Alright," Jerome said. He told Mitch a story of a little lost sheep who got scared and didn't know the way home. Before William (that's the sheep) could get home Mitch had stopped crying and had fallen asleep.

Jerome smiled at the toddler in his arms and carried him to the toddler bed. Rob came in carrying Preston. Preston in one hand was cuddling his toy cactus and in the other he was holding a toy Bacca that looked like Jerome's Minecraft skin.

"Preston. Tell Jerome what happened," Rob ordered

"I founded Bacca," Preston said smiling at Jerome.

"No, Preston. Tell Jerome the truth."

"Guys can't we do this in the morning? I just got Mitch to sleep," Jerome said quickly and looking at Mitch who was curled up on his bed.

"No. We have to do this now. I'm sorry dude, but Preston has to do this."

"I finded on floor and I want it. It's mine. Not Mitch's."

Mitch opened his eyes when he heard Preston say his name. "Biggums?" he yawned

"Fudge," Jerome swore as he picked up Mitch.

Mitch tucked him self up against Jerome and sucked his middle and ring fingers. "My Bacca," he said around his fingers.

"But. But." Preston started.

"Preston. We talked about this," Rob said sternly.

Preston looked like he was going to throw a fit but he yawned and said, "Sorry I taked Bacca. Here have back." He leaned over and handed it to Mitch. Mitch took and promptly snuggled his face into it.

"Right. We are gonna go back to bed. Alright Robby?" Jerome said pointedly.

"I get it. Good lord it's 4 am." Rob said as he and Preston left.

"What's an AM?" Preston asked.

"It means in the morning." Rob said.

"It's not morning. No sunshine." Preston said.

"Sweetheart. Don't argue. Robby's tired."

"Kk." Preston said as he curled in Rob's arms.

Jerome chucked and found that Mitch had fallen back sleep. He tucked Mitch back into his bed again and then crashed down in his own and slept.


YAYAYAY 3 PART IN ONE DAY. I have no life. Oh well. Please don't except much tomorrow because I have a major church thing. So yeah.


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