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I patiently wait outside of her hospital room until the nurses are done with her. This whole day was a mess. I found out I was a father and within the next five minutes, I wasn't.

Juliet refused to leave her side so she is also in the room with the nurses. Juliet and the nurses leave the hospital room and tell me I can go visit her.

I walk in to see her sitting up on the bed. The deep bruises around her neck cause guilt to arise in me.

"Anna." She looks up at me and I can see tears filling her eyes. I carefully sit down on the bed and cup her cheeks, kissing her forehead then connecting her forehead to mine.

"I'm so sorry." Her voice is barely above a whisper and it cracks with how much emotion is in it. 

"No mi amore. I'm sorry. I should have protected you." She simply nods and I let go of her, grabbing her hand and placing it in my lap, playing with her wedding ring.

"I'm guessing you knew it was yours?" I bring her hand up to my lips and plant a kiss on it before letting go.

"Yes. Why didn't you tell me?" I question her and she fiddles with her fingers.

"I knew it was going to ruin everything, which quite clearly it did." Anger rises in me at this sentence and I know I have to leave the room before I blow up.

"Get some rest mi amore." I quickly leave the room and walk down the hallway. How could she say that our child would ruin her life? She could have had a better life with me.

About ten minutes pass and I decide to go back into her room to talk to her. However, when I walk in, she isn't there. I run back out to the nurse and slam my hand on the desk.

"Where is Antoinette?" The nurse is startled as she looks through her documents to find her.

"Um, she just left with Prince Nicholas." I groan and run out of the hospital to my car. I get in the car and speed it down the road, not giving a shit about any red lights or speed signs.

I reach the castle in under five minutes, however the security guard doesn't let me in.

"Come on, I know the family. We are good friends." I'm desperate at this point. I need her to be safe and as long as she is with Nicholas, she will not be safe.

"I'm sorry sir but the palace gates are shut until further notice. Come back in a couple of days and try again." I start to get angry and grab the guard by his collar.

"If you don't let me in this fucking gate, I will single handedly peel off each and every layer of your skin." He looks like he is about to shit himself, but he still doesn't budge.

"Sir, if you do not leave, we will have to call the police." I really don't fel like dealing with those pigs today so I reverse the car and head back to my house.

I call Luca and he picks up almost immediately.

"Giovanni. What's up?" He sound way to happy and I hear a girl in the background which makes me roll my eyes.

"Get Angelo and come to my house. We have a job to do."


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