Chapter 169: Party!

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Mu Quan's five hundred tags once more shocked most of the students. Both Vanoss, Nogla, and Terroriser tags were only three hundred combined, but Mu Quan? How the hell did he get so many?

You must know that to get that number of tags you need not only very strong combat power but also great tracking abilities. After all, finding a candidate in this huge city was not easy.

The Demigod that administers the game observed Mu Quan for several seconds before grinning in satisfaction, "Except for the strongest student in Academy City, quite strong and talented indeed."

Nodding his head at the Demigod indifferently, Mu Quan returned to his position, while he did not seem excited or happy by the fact he was praised by a powerful being like the Demigod himself, it was as though his result was just something normal, even the gazes of the other students felt like a breeze to him.

As for our three lovable members of the Banana Bus Crew, well...

"Oh that is horse shit!" Nogla complained, "How that Asian guy get the highest one than all of us!?"

"I think because he is asian." Terroriser answered nonchalantly and very simply as if he answered the easiest question in the world.

Vanoss glanced at Nogla and said, "Well Nogla, if you complain so much, why can't you call him and yelled 'Hey, you cheating chinky chink motherfucker!'" he yelled at the last part, which got the attention of a few people.

"Yeah, do that while I get my soundboard ready." Terroriser said with a mischievous grin.

"Oh no! No! No! I ain't saying that shit again!"

As the two assholes of the group continued to make fun of Nogla, Mu Quan moved forward and was the last person to hand out his tags. Now that every student had handed out their tags, it was time to explain the rules for the next upcoming game.

The Demigod coughed slightly and looked at the remaining thirty-two students, "The rules for the next part are simple. The thirty-two of you will fight each other in one-against-one. It's also a good thing that the numbers reach the point of binary sequence, or else we will eliminate a few people with the tags coming into use. If there are thirty-three, more or less of you, we could've eliminate the ones with the lowest ones."

Hearing the Demigod's words, everyone sighed in relief, thankful to the gods that they reached thirty-two.

"Now that the rules of the next game have been explained, we can go back to the city to rest and prepare. The battles will start tomorrow."

With these words, the Demigod levitated from the ground, and before he could leave, he added, "Oh, and gonna remind you that there will be a banquet or party tonight to congrats to you all." With this, he finally left.

Hearing this news, many students looked at each other with clear excitement in their faces. Well there are some who weren't like Mu Quan, Isabella, and many students with higher status who experience those a lot weren't.

As for our main crew...

They had great plans for the entrance.


As an event gathering most students from all over Academy City, the banquet stood within the academy proper, in a hall so large that it could easily serve thousands of guests.

To ease transportation, for this unique occasion, Academy City had teleportation circles ready in all the guests, prospective, and returning students' halls, enabling direct access to the academy's doors. However, it can be very expensive, mostly for students who don't even have a higher background and status, so they use the cheapest one such as riding Airships and carriages.

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