Parties and Planes

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*TIME SKIP-Two Years Later*

Amy's POV

I sat down on the couch and turned the tv on. I had finally just put Romeo to bed. I poured myself a glass of red wine and took a sip just as the door bell rang. Please tell me it's not one of those people trying to sell me a new mobile plan or get me to donate some money. I got up and walked over quietly. I looked through the whole and saw Rydel. What was she doing here? I opened the door and she leaped onto me and hugged me.

"I haven't seen you in ages." Rydel said. That's true. Although Romeo and Dylan go to the same kinder garden, Ellington usually picks her up.

"I know. Come in." I said and gestured for her to come inside.

"Thanks." She smiled and walked over to the lounge room.

"Would you like a drink?" I asked her.

"Ooo yes please." She said and I went to grab her a wine glass from the fridge.

"So, what brings you here?" I asked her.

"Oh you know. I just wanted to catch up." Rydel said. I could tell she was hiding something from me.

"Oh cool." I said a bit unsure on what she was going to tell me. I kept looking for a wine glass. I usually only keep one out because I live alone. "How's your family?" I asked. I haven't really spoken to them in ages. I say family, but I just want to know how Ross is. A little selfish, I know.

"They're really good actually. Yeah. Ross is getting married." Rydel said and I froze. I blinked and stumbled back a bit. I grabbed onto the table to regain my balance. "Th-that's great. Who to?" I asked shaking my head. She's probably just lying.

"Oh Courtney. Did you ever meet her?" Rydel asked. Did I ever meet her. I introduced the two of them together.

"Oh, yeah. Briefly." I said. "Oh found it!" I said and grabbed a towel and wiped the glass clean.

"Yeah. She's really nice. She's helped Ross out a lot. They're so cute together." Rydel gleamed. She used to say that about Ross and I all the time. I didn't want to say, 'Oh, that's nice' because then she'd know that something's up. "Actually, that's why I'm here." Rydel said and passed me an envelope. I gave her a confused look and passed her the glass. I opened the envelope slowly and carefully.

Dear Amy and Romeo.

You are invited to celebrate Ross and Courtney's engagement party on the 31st of July.

The dress code is black and white. You are welcomed to bring another guest.

Hope to see you there.

Stormie and Mark Lynch.

I couldn't bare it. I felt sick in the stomach. 'You are welcomed to bring another guest'. What, do they think that I've gotten over Ross? I don't think so. Feelings don't fade over time.

"Are -are you okay?" Rydel asked. I couldn't hold it in any longer. I've tried so hard over these years to keep my emotions hidden, but now. I couldn't help it. Tears poured down my cheeks. "Oh Mil. It's okay." Rydel said and hugged me tightly as she sat down next to me.

"Wh-what did I do wrong?" I asked her.

"You didn't do anything wrong. Believe me. Hey, he wants you at one of his main events in his life. His engagement."

"I should've said yes." I muttered.

"Huh?" Rydel said.

"We were at the beach when he proposed to me."

"Amy. That's was over two years ago. You weren't even pregnant with Romeo."

"If I said yes, then none of this would've happened." I told her.

"That's not true." Rydel said.

"Yes it is!" I shouted covering my eyes with my hands.

"If you don't want to go. Then don't. But Ross would really like Romeo there." Rydel said and I sighed.


I sighed as I got Romeo out of the car. It's the 30th of July. The engagement party is tomorrow.

"Is daddy in that plane?" Romeo asked and pointing to the plane that was coming down the land.

"Yeah. Grandpa is in there as well." I told him and kissed his head. Romeo began waving like crazy as the plane landed. I had to hold my hat down so it didn't blow away. Ross waved back from inside the plane. He said something to Mark and then hopped out of the plane.

"Daddy! Mommy look it's Daddy!" Romeo squealed and waved at his father as he ran over.

"Hey champ." Ross smiled and took Romeo off me. Ross' hand brushed my arm. Tingles shot through it. I smiled.

"Daddy. You can flew a plane."

"Yeah. I can fly a plane." Ross chuckled and kissed Romeo's head. "What are you doing here?" Ross asked and looked at me.

"Well, your engagement party is tomorrow night. And Romeo wants to go." I told him.

"Sweet." Ross said and high fived his son. "What time will you be there?" Ross asked in full smile.

"Well, I wasn't going to go. Hence why I brought Romeo here. He could stay at your house tonight and then it's just easier. You know, so then I don't have to go-"

"But I want you there." Ross said cutting me off. He actually wants me there. Is this some sort of, 'We could've had this if we stay together' sort of come back.

"It's okay. I have plans anyways. Sorry." I said. This was 100% genuine. I actually was. Ross has this sort of, sorrow look on his face.

"O-oh okay. Never mind." Ross said and looked at Romeo.  Romeo was playing with his fathers messy hair. Even at 24 he still looks smoking hot. I kissed Romeo's cheek just as Mark walked over.

"Hey Amy. Can I speak to you?" Mark asked and gestured for me to follow me.

"Sure." I said and skipped behind him. Mark took me into the garage where he keeps his plane.

"It's tough. Isn't it?" Mark asked.

"P-pardon?" I asked him.

"It's tough, seeing Ross happy, isn't it." Mark said and grabbed a screw and a hammer.

"Yeah. It is." I said and sat down.

"Before, when he asked if you were coming, he wants your-"

"He wants me to say that I'm okay with him marrying Courtney, when I'm clearly not." I said and passed Mark another screw. He was making Romeo a new bed.

"I think it's just better that, we go a separate ways." I said to him.

"He still loves you. You can see in it his eyes The way he stands, the way he smiles. I'm his father, I know how he acts. There's a spark in his eyes." Mark said and I blushed. I shook my head.


Sorry about the massive time skip.

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