Marco X Blind!Reader. Enhanced feelings.

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Okee-dokee! Since my next chappy is my 100th, I'm doing a lemon! I can reveal to you who it shall be.... *drum roll*


Most of you have been asking for Mihawk for a long time! So, I thought, why the hell not?! :D Nyeheheh, hope you are looking forward to it!

Also, as of recently, I have become somewhat infatuated with the commander of the first division. *smiles sheepishly* My fave pic of him is the chapter picture.

Oh yeah, btw, I don't add his little 'yoi' thing in this. I think it'sa bit too serious to add it. That and I wrote half the damn fanfic and realized I'd forgot to do it.

Song- What a catch~ Fallout Boy (I really like this cover :3)

It's not easy being blind.

Pfft, understatement of the century.

As long as you're blind, you can't be independent. You can kiss any dreams you have goodbye. And while you're at it, you may as well give up on any hope of doing something with your life.

I mean, what kind of life would you lead, if you don't know what anything is? For example, being a pirate is way out of the picture.

You don't what a ship is, firstly. Well, you know what it is, but not how it works, or what it looks like. You can't see nor trust any of your crew or crew-mates. Doing day to day activities is harder than a devil fruit user carrying a ton of sea-stone.

The odds are always against you.

But for (Name), things weren't as bad.

Sure, she was blind. Yeah, it is hard. Trusting the people she now calls nakama was not an easy task. But when she finally learned to trust them, a huge weight was lifted from her shoulders.

Someone would always be there to help her in the morning, someone was always there to guide her. And after a long year of being with them, she had memorized every nook and cranny of the Moby Dick.

She could get around the ship alone, but still, if she was ever spotted alone on deck, one of the fellas would always run over. Making sure she didn't fall overboard.

It was always the same. She'd laugh and wave them off, try to convince them she could do this alone. But they just wouldn't risk it.

And so, she had became a pirate.

She had achieved her dream of being free, sure.

But no. She could never be independent.

Sighing, (Name) flopped back on her bed. It was late night, and the ship was fast approaching a winter island. So it was dark, cold. Something (Name) found she felt regularly. Shivering slightly, she sat up and carefully manoeuvred her way to the wardrobe, gently sifting her hand over each piece of fabric; until she felt the familiar thick, softness of her hoodie.

She put it on, shut the wardrobe door, and moved back to her bed. Her eyes closed, despite the fact it made no difference, and she continued to stare at the familiar sheen of black.

Opening her eyes again, she was met with the same blackness.

Tears welled in her defective eyes.

She hated it. She hated being blind so badly. She wanted to see the beautiful things everyone else saw, too! It wasn't fair, why did she have to be blind?! What could she have possibly done to be cursed with this burden?!

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