2: ~I walk trough the hallway, tears are streaming down my face~

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It's Monday morning, I walk into the school, it's my second week now. I hang out with Louis, Zayn and Niall. They the only ones who are nice to me. My other classmates think I'm weird because I don't talk much. But I'm used to it, and it can't be worse than my old school, right?

'Harry! I've missed you!', Louis walks towards me. 'Can I hug you?' I nod, Louis hugs me tight. I'm the closest to Louis, I really like him, in a friend way of course. 'So are we gonna hang out after school?', Zayn asks, he and Niall stands next to us. 'Sorry, I have a talk with Payne.' 'Oh, do you like him?', asks Niall. I look a bit weird at him. 'Uh not in that way, of course', he laughs. 'Yeah, I think he's kind!', I say. 'Yeah he is, he helped me last year when I had a eating disorder', says Zayn. 'Oh you had? I'm sorry for you, are you okay right know?', I ask. Zayn nods. 'Yeah, I'm fine', but I don't really know if he's honest.

'So, what do we have today again?', asks Niall when we walk trough the hallway. 'First we have English, second PE, third art, fourth math and fifth history, from Payne thank god, history would be so boring without him', says Louis. When Niall and Zayn are in the bathroom I look a bit worried at Louis. 'I'm scared for math, we had to do our homework but I didn't make it because I don't understand any of it', I say. 'Oh no worries, you can grab my homework, I just say I didn't make it, I'm her favourite, I'll come up with en excuse', Louis says. 'And I will help you with math tomorrow after school, okay?' I nod. 'Thank you Lou', I say. He smiles at the nickname. 'No problem Haz.'

After English we have PE. I walk to the dressing room. This is the first time I have PE and I'm scared. I have scars on my chest from self harm. I did it in the time the bullying was at his worst. Now I stopped, but I'm scared what the other students would say. As soon as I pull of my shirt I see students look at me, Louis, Niall and Zayn look too. 'What did you do?', asks a boy named Nathan. 'Oh, yeah, I have a cat and she's very playful haha', I say fast. My friends looks worried at me. 'Stay here when the others are away okay?', whispers Louis, I nod.

When everyone is in the sports hall Louis stands opposite me. 'Haz, what did you do, you don't have a cat', Louis says. I sight. 'You know... I was bullied very heavy at my old school. And I did self harm like two months ago.... But I stopped with it now, don't worry!', I say. 'Alright, you know you can talk to me when something's wrong right?', he asks, his eyes are still a bit worried. 'I know Lou, thank you, let's go now!', I say smiling and we walk into the sports hall.

When we have math class I'm a bit nervous, Louis gave me his homework in the break but I'm scared miss Johnson notice's. 'Alright class, I'm gonna check your homework first', the class groans. Everyone who didn't do their homework is sent out. She comes last to Louis en me. 'So gentleman, did you do your homework?', I show the homework from Louis, she looks at it for a moment but nods then. 'Alright thank you Harry, Louis did you make it?', she looks at Louis. 'No miss, I'm sorry but I have a good reason!', he says. 'Tell me', miss Johnson answers. 'Look, my mum is sick, as you know, and it goes worse with her since last week, so I didn't really had the motivation', miss Johnson nods. 'I understand it, thank you', she says, and she walks away.

'How'd you do that?', I ask surprised at Louis. 'Oh yeah, my mother has a aggressive form of leukaemia, it goes well now but teacher don't know that', he smiles small but I can see pain in his eyes. 'Oh, that's...... Er..... sorry, I don't really now how to react', I say, Louis smiles at me. 'That's okay, I understand, but let's pay attention now', I nod. I try to understand again what miss Johnson explains, but I don't understand any from what she says. 'Harry, can you do this exercise for me?', she asks. I look at her. 'Uhm miss, I'm sorry but I don't understand it', she sights. 'Try it.' I sight and try the exercise, but when I'm halfway she shakes her head. 'No no, you're doing it wrong.' 'I-I'm sorry.' 'Harry, you need to focus more in the lessons, you're not trying your best!', she says, a bit mad. 'I am trying my best! I just made a mistake, I know that, don't rub that in', I say. I see her turning mad. 'Out!', she says, she points at the door. I grab my stuff and walk outside the classroom, I hear students laugh.

Dear pain, why is love so hard? ~Larry Stylinson~Where stories live. Discover now