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"Okay, I guess it's my turn, isn't it?" Goose asks as he attempts to get Maverick's attention off of Ghost before Phantom turns into a protective big brother. "All right, the bet is $20."

"Twenty dollars," Maverick agrees as he looks back over at Goose.

"You have to have carnal knowledge, of a lady this time, on the premises," Goose sets up the bet while Maverick starts to look around.

"On the premises," Maverick repeats as he locks eyes on Ghost, who is giving Phantom a hug before he leaves. Ghost makes her way through the crowd to sit down at the bar while removing her jacket.

"Come on, Mav. A bet's a bet," Goose encourages as Maverick's eyes do not leave Ghost.

"I don't know, it just... it just doesn't seem fair. For you I mean," Maverick explains as he pats Goose on the shoulder. "But... She's lost that lovin' feeling."

"She's lost?" Goose goes to repeat as he looks over at Ghost before Maverick grabs his shoulder. "No, she hasn't."

"Yes, she has," Maverick states with a nod while Ghost taps her fingers on the bar, waiting for a beer.

"She has not lost that..." Goose argues as he glances between Ghost and Maverick, knowing that Maverick doesn't stand a chance.

"Goose, she's lost it," Maverick finalizes as he walks away from Goose.

"I bet she hasn't though," Goose retorts before he follows after Maverick.

"Excuse me, miss," Maverick says as he taps Ghost on the shoulder.

"Hey, hey, hey. Don't worry, I'll take care of this," Goose says as he steps between Ghost and Maverick with his aviators on, causing Ghost to giggle.

"You never close your eyes anymore. When I kiss your lips," Maverick sings as he points at Ghost, who's eyes widen in shock.

"There's no tenderness like before in your fingertips," Goose sings as a few other pilots start to snap.

"You're trying hard not to show it," Maverick takes back over singing before the other pilots join in. Ghost looks around at pilots with a smile on her face while her cheeks flush a dark shade of red.

"Sit down," Ghost tells Maverick, causing the pilots to cheer while Maverick sits down beside her. "I must admit that I've never seen that approach." Ghost turns to fully face Maverick with her beer in hand. "How long have you two been doing this act?"

"Oh, I don't know, since..." Maverick says as he looks up to pretend to think about it.

"Puberty, I'm assuming," Ghost jokes with him, causing Maverick to smile and nod in agreement.

"So, I know your call sign is Ghost," Maverick admits as he leans closer to Ghost. "But what's your actual name?"

"Avery Ryder," Ghost introduces herself with a smirk as she and Maverick shake hands.

"I'm Pete Mitchell," Maverick responds as Ghost turns to face the bar.

"Oh," Ghost says with a nod before taking a drink of her beer since she has heard several rumors involving his name.

"No, actually, we've only done this twice," Maverick tells her the truth.

"Oh, how'd you do?" Ghost asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Crashed and burned on the first one. It wasn't pretty," Maverick explains as Ghost continues to act interested because no matter how good looking Maverick is, Ghost swore to herself that she would never be with another pilot.

"The second?" Ghost asks as Maverick slyly smiles at her.

"I don't know. I'll tell you tomorrow," Maverick answers her with a cocky smile. "But it's looking good so far."

"Well, Maverick, I should be going, so it's been great talking to you," Ghost responds as she slides her jacket back on. "Listen, can I ask you a personal question?"

"That depends," Maverick replies with a slight shrug.

"Are you a good pilot?" Ghost asks as she slowly checks Maverick out while playfully biting her lip.

"I can hold my own," Maverick answers as he watches before swallowing thickly.

"Great," Ghost states with a full smile. "Then I won't have to worry about you making your living as a singer." Ghost walks away from the bar to the restroom.

"I'm gonna need a beer to put these flames out," Maverick tells the bartender before he starts looking around. "Great, Mav. Real slick." Maverick shakes his head before he follows her into the ladies room.

"It was a long cruise, was it, sailor?" Ghost teases as she reapplies her lipstick while watching Maverick in the mirror.

"It was too long," Maverick replies as he walks over to her, causing Ghost to turn and face him. "I think you could relate."

"What do you wanna do?" Ghost sarcastically asks as she leans against the counter. "Just drop right down on the tile and go for it?"

"No, I actually had this counter in mind," Maverick answers as he pushes down on the counter to see if it would hold the weight.

"Great, that would be very, very uncomfortable," Ghost retorts as she grabs a tissue to fix her lipstick with.

"It could be," Maverick agrees with a smile. "Actually, I came in here to save you from making a big mistake with your RIO."

"Really?" Ghost questions as she plays along with Maverick since he clearly didn't see Phantom's wedding ring. "So I could go on to a bigger one with a guy like yourself?"

"Maybe," Maverick answers with a shrug while Ghost goes to walk away from him.

"We've gotta be at work very early in the morning," Ghost admits as she reaches the door before he follows after her as she leaves the ladies room.

"Your friend was magnificent," Ghost lies as she walks past Goose, who is staring at his beer bottle.

Goose looks at her in shock as she turns back to wink at him before he looks over at Maverick, who stops beside him.

"I told you," Goose says as he realizes that Maverick struck out.

While the rejection hit Maverick hard, it did not stop him from trying to make a move on a blonde girl, named Charlotte Blackwood.

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