New Boy

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It's a couple of days after the party, Your sitting at the table with the Cameron's just after finishing dinner and your phone pings.

You shriek and Sarah looks at you

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You shriek and Sarah looks at you.
Sarah: what?
You: he finally texted me.
Sarah: what'd he say?
She jumps up and runs over to look. Rafe scoffs and ward chuckles.
Ward: is this a new boy?
You: maybe..
ward: don't you think it's a bit soon and your too young to be so serious.
You: well he's only here for the summer so it wont be that serious. Anyways it might not even become anything.
Sarah: he wants to hang out you gotta say yes.
You: ok ok.
You text Justin back telling him your free.

Sarah: cmon we gotta get you ready

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Sarah: cmon we gotta get you ready.
You smile and run upstairs with Sarah. She helps you pick out a cute outfit and touch up your hair and makeup. Soon enough it's almost 8 and Justin is on his way over.
You: I'm kinda nervous.
Sarah: don't be, there's everything to love about you
You smile.
You: thanks.
Sarah: he's here! Go go !
You: I'll debrief you later.
Sarah: of course
You walk out of Sarah's room and head downstairs, you bump into Rafe.
You: sorry.
Rafe: watch where your going.
You turn and look at him.
You: what's up your ass? You've barely spoke or looked at me in like two weeks.
Rafe:nothing, have fun on your date.
He walks upstairs and you walk outside.
You: Hi.
Justin's leaned against his jeep and you smile.
You: so what we gonna do?
You both get in the jeep.
Justin: how about we drive down to the beach and we can talk, get to know each other.
You: sounds good.
You and Justin head down to the beach and you start telling each other all your stories.
Your laughing about something with Justin when he intwines your hand in his. You look at him and smile.
You: wanna go for a walk?
He nods and you both get out of the jeep, you walk up and down the beach hand in hand.
You sit down in the sand and he sits next to you.
You: I've had a really good time tonight
Justin: me too. 
He smiles.
You: so what's your plans for the summer?
Justin: I don't know, I met this pretty girl at a party a couple of nights ago, I'm thinking I might hang out with her..
You: oh really?
You smile.
You: what's she like?
Justin: she's got a wonderful smile and she's great company.
You: you sound like a lucky guy.
He chuckles.
Justin: yeah maybe.
You: you should probably get me home, I have a curfew and Ward Cameron is not a fan of people being Late.
He nods and you both stand up and chat some more while you walk to his jeep.
He drives you back to the Cameron's and your sitting in his jeep in the driveway.
Justin: so do I get a second date?
You: wasn't that technically the second date?
You slightly smile.
Justin: so a third?
You: I'll have to see if I can fit you into my busy schedule.
You grin and he chuckles.
Justin: good night Annie.
He kisses you, you kiss him back and you guys have a small make out.
You: Goodnight.
You get out of the jeep and walk inside as he drives off.
You walk into the kitchen to grab a water and you see Rafe sitting at the island.
You: everything ok?
You grab a bottle of water and he looks at you as you unscrew the cap.
Rafe: Wards giving me shit about college and the family business again.
You: oh, have you gave college anymore thought?
Rafe: I don't want to be around a bunch of pompous assholes.
You giggle.
You: you are one of them pompous assholes.
He looks at you.
You: ok relax, I'm joking.
You take a sip of your water.
Rafe: I'm going to bed.
He walks out of the kitchen and you scoff.
You: I wasn't joking.
You mutter to yourself as you walk upstairs, you get into your room and take a quick shower and head to bed.

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