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Chapter 2: Fall

Jiji walked into the school gates and took in a deep breath of crisp autumn air. She reread her schedule for the hundredth time. Class 2A. Maybe that means I'll get double A-pluses this year! Excited, she leapt up the school steps and into the doors, avoiding the groups of people. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the world was lovely in every way. Nobody can ruin my day. Not even that guy who ignored me at the bus stop. She shook her head to get rid of any lingering negativity.

"Jiji!!" She heard a voice and turned around to face her best friend running toward her.

"Benji!" Jiji exclaimed enthusiastically, meeting Benji with her arms up to give him a double-high-five. "It's been SO LONG," she stated dramatically, wiping an imaginary tear off her cheek.

"I KNOW!! OMG," he squealed in a high-pitched voice.

They stared at each other for a second with wide smiles and then they gave up on the bit, falling into a normal walking pattern to their class.

"It's so weird to be back here. I mean, I feel like we were just here yesterday, and that was like a whole month ago LOL," Benji said in his naturally low voice.

"Yeah well, I'm determined to make this year better than that trash fire of a junior year," Jiji said, flipping her hair.

"Bestie," her friend said mockingly, "last year was totally amazing."

"Uh huh, yeah right. It was horrible."

"Yeah, but I met you last year, and from then on my life was changed forever," Benji responded sweetly, batting his long eyelashes at her.

Jiji rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Don't joke like that. If you keep saying it then I might actually fall for you LOL," she laughed even harder at the ridiculousness of it all.

"Yeah, right. We both know all the guys here are 'too lame' for you. 'Oh beautiful Ji Hye, you're so hot but you're so cold," Benji looked at her with pleading eyes, but his face immediately twisted into a smirk. Jiji proceeded to shove him.



"Loner's friend," the senior stuck out her tongue at him.

She was still laughing when they approached their classroom. "Hey Benj-," she started, and turned to see that he had already begun to flirt with some new girls loitering in the hallway. "Whatever. I guess it'll never change."

He was a flirt. She knew it too, but every concern she had was forgotten as she met his eyes that were slightly hidden by his soft blond bangs. Calmly, he sat down in front of her and met her gaze. They locked eyes for a few seconds before he spoke.

"I'm new. Can I eat with you today?" Brushing his bangs out of his eyes for a moment, he watched her through thick lashes. Like a cat, he was begging for attention.

And like a fool, I'll give it to him.

They ate lunch, hit it off, and became best friends. They talked about cats, video games, school, and their favorite color. They debated, they laughed, and they shared. Like any teenage girl, she began to imagine her future with him and his pretty blue eyes. Maybe we'll be friends forever. Maybe it'll be different this time, Jiji thought as she smiled at one of his jokes.

It was only at the end of the day she remembered that she didn't know his name.

"Hey, I never-"

"Benjamin. Actually, Benji. But you can just call me the new love of your life."

I should be used to it by now.

Jiji directed her attention toward the class and breathed a deep sigh in front of the door. Well, this is it. This is where I'll spend the next year. She checked the sign above her that read "2-A," and took another step.

Instead of walking into the room, she was knocked over into the desk closest to the door. "Wha-"

"Excuse me," she heard a deep voice state above her. Jiji flinched and moved her eyes to meet those of the figure towering over her as she fell back into the desk and hit her head.

Autumn leaves were the last thing to fill her mind as she lost consciousness.

A/N:  who's your favorite character so far??? mine is definitely duckworth

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