Chapter 6: Trust Me

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Me and Lo'ak have been together for a month now and no, I still haven't told him, I'm terrified of what he'll think of me if I tell him I'm a avatar driver and that I'm on a mission to find my sister a cure... I don't want to lose what we have but I also don't want to lose my sister...

I woke up in my avatar and Lo'ak had his arms wrapped around me, he woke up

Lo'ak- Morning! *He smiled*

Sophía- Morning! *I smiled* what are we doing today my kitty?

Lo'ak- Hmmm, we can go hunting, you've gotten really good at it princess! *He smiled*

Sophía- Ok! I'd like that! *I smiled*

He smiled and kissed me

Lo'ak- Come on let's go eat

He put out his hand for me to grab it and I did and we went to the cafeteria, I didn't touch my food

Lo'ak- Babe? You ok? You not hungry?

I shook my head

Sophía- No, not really

Lo'ak- Come on

I looked at him confused but I followed him and he led me to a room and closed the door

Lo'ak- Is everything ok? You've been acting strange lately

I took a deep breathe

Sophía- If I tell you something promise me you won't freak out?

Lo'ak- Depends on what it is

Here it goes...

Sophía- Lo'ak... I lied to you... to your whole family... I wasn't born like this... I'm... an avatar driver...

Lo'ak- I know

Sophía- What?

Lo'ak- I knew this whole time, I just didn't want to say anything

Sophía- But how?

Lo'ak- Uhh hello! My dad was an avatar driver and plus when you sleep and I try to wake you and you don't I figured well she's a driver but that doesn't bother me

Sophía- It doesn't?

Lo'ak- No! *He chuckled*

Thank Eywa! Now let's hope he gives the same reaction when I tell him about the cure...

Sophía- Phew! I thought you were gonna hate me!

Lo'ak chuckled

Lo'ak- No! Never!

He kissed me

Lo'ak- Now let's go hunting!

We left and went hunting and I grabbed the bow and arrow and got in position and shot the arrow and got it

Lo'ak- Good job!

Sophía- You taught me well!

I smiled

Lo'ak- I sure did! *He smiled*

He came behind me and wrapped his arms around me

Lo'ak- I love you Sophía *He whispered*

I turned to face him and smiled

Sophía- I love you too Lo'ak *I whispered*

We kissed and headed back to the village

Sophía- Ugh! I need to pee!

Lo'ak- Go in the lab, there's a bathroom in there

Sophía- Ok

I smiled and left and went to the bathroom then I thought to look for the materials, luckily I found a room with all that I needed, I needed to do this fast... I grabbed everything that I needed and put it in my pouch then I heard someone walk in

Lo'ak- What are you doing!?

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