☀︎Thursday, January 4th☁︎︎

111 7 13

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Shoto spent the rest of his afternoon debating what he should send to the loud blond. But being the social awkward peppermint that he is, he chose the most logical route: "Hey."


It's Halfie from the coffee shop.


Oh Halfie. Why're u txting me?


Sorry, am I bothering you?


Not at all just curious

You changed '(XXX)-XXX-XXXX's name to 'Blondie'


Alright then, I just wanted to say hi. How are you doing?


good good, r u coming to the shop today?


Of course.

You can no longer reply to this conversation

Staring at the screen with a shocked expression, Shoto dryly chuckled as he was in slight admiration at the boy's resolve to stop him from going to the shop. Shoving his phone into his pocket he grabbed his keys and left his apartment. He had his headphones over his ears playing "Daylight" by: David Kushner.

Finally reaching the metro station, instead of turning right into the station he took a left. Entering the coffee shop right next to it. The little bell alerted the workers that a new customer had showed up, and the current customers weren't bothered by the sound.

Seeing as there were other people, Bakugo could not yell and insult Shoto as he normally would. Instead, a murderous glare would suffice. Todoroki smiled softly at him, the vibes in the shop were very calming.

"Hi, Blondie."

"Halfie." The urge to curse him out was so strong the blond was barely able to contain himself.

"I'll take an iced matcha latte please." He asked, getting out his wallet.

"...It's 4 degrees outside are you insane?"


The vermillion-eyed male rolled his eyes dramatically, and accepted the payment. Quickly starting on the drink he was free to eavesdrop on the conversation the customer was pulled into as soon as he turned his back.

"Shoto!" A female voice was heard ringing through the room.

Katsuki froze, could that be his girlfriend?

"Fuyumi! I didn't know you liked this place?"

"Actually it's my first time coming here, remember you had told me about it a few weeks ago and I said I'd check it out when I had the time? Well now I have the time!" The mystery woman explained. The half'n'half haired boy laughed at the statement. And the barista felt an overwhelming want to crush the cup he was currently holding into a million pieces.

Taking a deep breath, he turned back around to face the counter, he eyes landed on his Halfie and the strange woman. She looked a lot like the boy, which had the blond questioning if perhaps they were related and not dating like he previously assumed.

"Here you are." He placed the drink in front of Shoto who grinned and eagerly picked it up. As he was putting the tip in the jar, the girl, Fuyumi, placed her order.

"I'll have a white mocha please."

"That'll be 3.25$." Bakugo said, accepting the money from her hands.

"You should really try their Matcha. It's to die for."

Out of habit, the older man replied,

"Yeah cause you're gonna die if you keep on drinking it like you do." Both customers giggled and Katsuki's cheeks turned pink as he realized he had said that out loud. Handing the warm drink to Fuyumi, if they were related he believed her to be the smarter sibling, the blond decided to bite the bullet and ask what the two's relationship was.

"You guys look so similar, but also not really? It's hard to explain." Bakugo said, observing their features. The pair looked at each other then back at the barista and smiled.

"We're siblings, Fuyumi is 8 years older than me. She's second oldest and the only girl, and I'm the youngest out of all of us." Todoroki explained, twirling the straw in his fingers.

"Ohh. How many siblings do you have?" He inquired. This time the sister responded.

"4 total! There's me, Shoto, Natsuo, and Touya. We all have 4 year age gaps in between each other. And the ages range from 18 to 30!" She said with delight evident in her tone. Bakugo's eyes widened, as an only child he couldn't really imagine what such a full house would be like.

"How about you Blondie?" The regular asked, following his question he took a sip of his icy drink.

"Only child. It's just me, my old hag, and my old man." Shoto nodded, sometimes he felt like an only child. Actually most of his childhood felt like he was an only child. He was grateful that now he was able to properly connect with his siblings.

"Ok well, it was lovely to meet you sir, I have to get going. Oh! Before I go I didn't catch your name?" The white-haired woman said. The red-eyed male sweat-dropped, was he finally going to tell halfie his name? Indirectly too! By some miracle, he saw the boy shaking his head to the beat of whatever music was playing on his headphones. And he could faintly hear sound emanating from them.

"Bakugo. My name is Bakugo."


"You...met...his...SISTER?!" Mina exclaimed once she and the others were collecting their stuff in the break room.

"Yeah? What about it?" The blond quirked an eyebrow, he didn't understand why every time something mildly interesting happened between him and halfie, his friends were absolutely flabbergasted.

"And you told his sister your name, but not him?" Ashido was still trying to fully process the bizarre events that had occurred in the shop earlier. Bakugo huffed in annoyance, why were his friends so goddamn nosy?

"Mhm, that;s what I fucking said isn't it?" He snarled. Kirishima was less freaked out by the situation than Mina was and tried to calm his co-worker/best friend down by explaining that it was more or less surprising that the two STILL hadn't exchanged names.

"It doesn't matter that much anyways. God you guys have me sounding like a motherfucking broken record trying to explain this to you all the time." Katsuki slid his arms through his coat sleeves, as he remembered that he still hadn't unblocked the other. So he took out his phone to do that.

"Who are you texting?" Sero asked, trying to get a peek over his shoulder.

"Just unblocking Halfie." Pink hair whipped around wildly as she registered what the pomeranian just revealed to them,


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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2023 ⏰

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