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Jihwa's eyes were focused on the two vehicles in front of her

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Jihwa's eyes were focused on the two vehicles in front of her. They were out of tunnel in one hour, just as Johnny said and they were let out at one of the highways. 

Renjun: Its in an abandoned apartment that never finished building. 

Jiayi: Abandoned? For what?

Hendery: Says here... it was supposed to be the start of a twin city to be built there. 

Haechan: A twin city? For what?

Renjun: maybe to decrease the overflowing population at Seoul. 

Jiayi: Its not even that much. 

Renjun: maybe that's why it was left to be. It never finished. 

Jihwa listened in but said nothing. Her heart was racing and suddenly she started feeling what Yuta felt last night. The overwhelming feeling that something is going to go wrong. 

With one hand on the steering and the other leaning on the door, she bit her nail. 

Jisung: Are we heading right into the complex?

He asked. And honestly it felt like ages since she heard Jisung speak. Through the rear view mirror she saw him having a cold face. Face dry of expressions and feelings. 

Swallowing a lump in her throat, Jihwa focused back on the road. 

Hendery: No. Just to a hill close by so we can observe for a few hours then come up with a plan.

Jihwa's hold on the steering tightened. What if something happened then? Would she lose another one of her friends?

Lost in her thoughts Jihwa didn't notice the cars in front of her coming to a stop. 


He screamed from next to her and that made the girl snap out of her thoughts as she stepped on the break, coming to a halt. They all breathed out in relief. 

Jihwa: Sorry. I-

Hendery: Jihwa get out of here. 

Jihwa: What?

Hendery: Drive backwards and take the first left.

She turned in her seat to look at the elder male who held his hand to his ear, clearly communicating with the cars ahead.

Hendery: Just fucking listen to me.

She looked back ahead and saw the other coming out of the car, taking cover behind the car doors and pulling out their guns and knives.

Hendery: Step on the gas woman.

Cursing under her breath she started reversing, without even looking back. The roads were empty of cars but she surely ran into someone. 

Jihwa: Fuck.

Hendery: Just go. That was a Dark Knight member.

Eyes widening she saw the others engage in a shoot out.

Jihwa: Shouldn't we help?!

Hendery: No. They will handle it. The entire point was to get you there safely so you can take out your father. You want that or not.

She pressed on the break. 

Jiayi: Why did you stop-

Renjun: Its the first left. 

Jihwa turned the steering while blowing her stray strands of her hair out of her face.

Jihwa: He is not my father.


They were the first ones at the lookout. It was already getting dark. And Jihwa sat at the warm bonnet of the car, staring at the gun Taeyong had handed to her yesterday. 

She felt terrible for not helping the others. But they had contacted this group saying no one was dead and they had taken out all the attackers.

Jisung used a pair of binoculars to look at the complex which was not too far below the hill. Hendery and Renjun were trying to come up with a plan while waiting for the others. Jiayi and Haechan were leaning on the car staring at Jihwa, much to her unawareness.

Jihwa's finger ran across the word engraved into the metal. 

Somehow seeing this reminded her of his presence so much that she was getting impatient. She just wanted to get rid of this rival gang and finish it once and for all. 

Haechan: Hwa...

She turned and made eye contact with the male. He looked back at her with a sense of comfort. Though she saw the clear warning in his eyes. 

He probably saw her growing impatient because his eyes were telling her to get it together. She tore her eyes away from him and got off the bonnet, heading to Jisung. 

Jihwa: See anything?

Jisung: They have guards everywhere. 

She hummed.

Jisung: I blamed you for a while.

Jihwa: What?

He moved the binoculars away and looked down at the female.

Jisung: At first i wished it was you who got stabbed since i didn't know you as long as i had known Jeno hyung. 

The female froze, looking back at the male as her emotions from back then, resurfaced.

Jihwa: Jisung-

Jisung: I don't blame you anymore. I was stupid to even think you were at fault. It was stupid for me to blame my favourite noona. 

he said the last part loud so even Jiayi heard. Jihwa let out a chuckle.

Jiayi: Yah! I thought-

Haechan: Calm down babe...

Jisung: I am sorry for blaming you.

He said, turning to her again.

Jihwa: Its okay Jisung. I still blame myself for not trying to save him.

Jisung: Don't blame yourself. You couldn't do anything. Everyone was in the room but the shock of an enemy sneaking must have struck hard.

Jihwa: It did. 

Jisung: So... when we go in there...

He said nodding his head towards the complex.

Jisung: Let's kick some serious ass.

Jisung: Let's kick some serious ass

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