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Min: I think its time you give up

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Min: I think its time you give up.

He said in amusement but Jihwa was not even listening at this point. She was busy trying not to pass out. She had plenty of wounds, making her loose a lot of blood. And despite taking down a good amount of the gang members, she was left outnumbered. 

Now she was trying to get back on her feet while coughing out blood.

Jihwa: I am not giving up. 

She struggled to get out even that much. And the chuckle from Min only reminded her that she wasn't sounding very brave. Heck even she didn't believe she could hold out for long. But the memories of Jeno's and Yoongi's death was like her body was telling her to continue fighting for them. 

She managed to wearily get back on her feet, gulping a lump in her throat, but she ended up swallowing a good amount of her blood too.

She saw one of the men advancing at her but stopped. She turned to see Min raising his hand for him to stop before looking back at Jihwa with an evil smile.

Min: Ah... strong one. I wonder whose genes you got. Clearly not your crazy mother's.

Jihwa: Why did you even marry her if she was so crazy-

Min: Because she was vulnerable! You know what you can do with vulnerable people? Control their lives. And i loved her for that. 

Jihwa: That's some twisted love.

Min: You will never get it. Your brother never did, he was a knuckle head. The previous Dark Knight leader didn't get it. No one will.

Jihwa: Who... the fuck... gave you permission to badmouth MY BROTHER?!

He chuckled darkly.

Min: Oh honey... who are you to decide if i can badmouth him or not. Look at you... so vulnerable at my own feet.

Jihwa: Your delusional to think that.

Min: But look at you. Fighting for my own entertainment. While i hold your boyfriend and his friends hostage.

He leaned forward, inching closer to her face.

Min: So vulnerable. 

He whispered. With all of Jihwa's remaining power she raised her fist and punched him right in the jaw. He stumbled back, grabbing his jaw. He was frozen before facing her with rage burning in his eyes which contrasted the chuckle he gave her before dropping his smirk. 

Min: Finish her. Bring the big gun.

Just then the door opened and she turned, hopefully. But to her dismay it wasn't her mates. It was a single member of the Dark Knights who hurried inside.

Dark Knight 3: Sir-

Min: Shut up. I have something important to witness. 

He looked behind Jihwa, smirking at the sight. She slowly turned and saw a man holding a gun that spewed electricity from it. 

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