This is.. Relaxing..

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[FINALLY POSTED AGAIN! This was going to be angst but i guess not- *Giggles intensifies*]

Narrator's POV;

Stanley was running around the parable, as per usual. Causing trouble and never listening to me! 'Go leFt!' I tell him, 'Go tO tHe boSseS ofFiCe!1' I say, but yet he never listens, as if my intentions are trying to kill him!

This time I'm not dealing with his nonsense, maybe if I lead him somewhere beautiful, maybe, just maybe, he'll actually listen to me!

Once Stanley completed the Countdown ending for the hundredth time, the game reset and we were back in the office like usual. Stanley stepped out of his office, triggering the same dialogue that he hears every reset, "All of his co-workers were gone, what could this mean?" I said with a smirk knowing Stanley cant see it. "Stanley decided to head to the meeting room; perhaps he had simply missed a memo.." I read out as usual as Stanley continued walking.

Stanley arrived at the two doors and waited for my dialogue. "When Stanley came to a set of two doors, he entered the door on his.. Right." I stated with slight hesitation. I had to hold in a chuckle at Stanleys confusion, he was thinking things like, 'Is this some sort of joke?' or 'Is something wrong??' But the Narrator ignored there questions and waited for Stanley to make a choice.

Stanley decided that he would go against the Narrators instructions like always, even though he was technically going the 'correct way'.

"Stanley decided to be disobedient and go through the door on his left.." The Narrator said witth obvious annyance in his voice. Stanley looked up at the ceiling with a condused face as he continued on.

"Stanley took a detour thru the maintenance room so he could get back on track." I said as I opened a door in the meeting room. Stanley finally started to listen out of curiosity, he was confused at why the Narrator is making him go right.

"Stanley went staright ahead and got onto the cargo lift." I said as Stanley stepped onto the lift as it started moving forward.

"Alright Stanley, jump onto the metal pathway below." The Narrator said to the protagonist. Stanley was uncertain at first but then he gave in and jumped down.

As Stanley went further into the un explored territory, he approached two doors. One red one on the left, and a blue door on the right side. "Stanley walked thru the red door." I stated.

Stanley decided he wanted to be rebellious so he went through the blue one, only to be teleported back to the two doors. "Stanley went thru the RED door." I said with more authority in my voice.

Stanley decided to let his curiosity get the better of him as he walked thru the red door. "Thank god, I guess you are willing to listen to me-" I mumbled in annoyance as I let out a heavy huff of frustration. I led Stanley down a long, continuous hallway, telling him that we cant jeep running. "That is why youre here, i want to show you something beautiful, let me prove that I am on your side.." I said as I opened a door
Void, thats all there was, Stanley wandered around for a while before he found a path highlighted with white glowing rails. "What is our goal? What are we looking for? Hmmm~?" I asked aloud as i held back a giggle.

Nobody's POV;

Stanley walked into a room, the door behind him disappeared and the starry looking sky began to have glowing clouds if colouful mist, the little clouds swirled around in the night sky before eventually disappearing but then immediately after a new one replaces it. 'I- This is beautiful Narry..' Stanley told the British man, he was honestly quite star struck at the lights and colours everywhere, along with the calming music in the background, it was almost impossible to look away.
[Autistic ass ☠️]
"If we stay right here.. In this place- Stanley- I think I feel.. Happy.." The Narrator said warmly, making Stanley glad that he followed his directions.

Stanley sat down near one of the railings, feeling utterly mesmerized by all the colours that were swirling around in-front of him. "Stanley, would you mind if I, well.. came down and sat with you.?" The Narrator asked the mesmerized man shyly.

Stanley looked up and smiled while nodding his head 'Sure, you like this room a whole lot so why not?' Stanley thought towards the Narrator.

In a matter of seconds Stanley felt someone grab his shoulders, "Hello, I- Uh.. Brought snacks and a blanket.?" The Narrator said with a shy/unsure smile and a tone of uncertainty. He then held up the bag of 'Ms. Vickies Spicy Dill Pickle Chips' and a soft yellow blanket. Stanley just smiled at the man and patted at the floor beside him, inviting him to sit down.

The Narrator sat down and gave a nervous grin, 'why are you so tense?' Stanley questioned, yet he had a feeling at to why it is that he is feeling like that.

The Narrator didnt bother answering so he wrapped them both in the blanket, snuggling the other as they both savour the feeling of each others presence.
And they sat there..
Snacking in Ms.Vickie's spicy dill chips..
Just having an over all comfortable time.

Stanley soon fell asleep on the Narrators shoulder. "Uh- Stanley, are you awake.?" The Narrator asked while poking the other mans head.

The poke just caused the protagonist to shimmy in his spot, pushing the Narrator onto the floor while unknowingly cuddling him. The Narrator stayed still for a good 15 minutes, he was unsure as to what he should do since he hasn't really done much with 'human' emotions before. The Narrator than slowly and carefully moved his arm onto Stanleys back, holding him close as they drifted to a very calm and desperately needed rest.

1005 Words


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