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Mommy was dead...

This one fact kept replaying in my mind. My Mommy was dead.

On the drive home from the hospital not me or Daddy said a word. We had heard enough words from the doctor when he told us she was dead.


Daddy has gotten mean.

He smokes and goes to bars and gambles away all of our money. He hurts me when I talk back, and sometimes he punches me. I am not the same little smiley girl I once was. I have taught myself math, and what I hope is how to defend myself since Daddy stopped paying for private school. I can hit people hard and pick up things twice my size. None of my efforts can stop the voices though... that is what I call the words in my head urging me to do bad things. They told me answers. How to do this, and that.

One day the voices got to me though. I was alone sitting in my room mumbling to myself when they started chatting. But then it seemed like they were talking to me. At this had looked up, usually they just ignore me or they taunt me. I'm usually barely able to pick up on what they're saying. This time they were actually asking me to hurt someone or something.

They said, "come on, you know you want to do it." I shook my head no.

"He hurt you, are you going to let yourself be a punching bag?" At this is hesitated I never thought of it that way. Don't get me wrong. These voices had been wearing me down for ages and they could slip in just about any idea at this point.

"would Mommy be happy if she saw what Daddy does to you?"

When they said this I stood up. Now a days Daddy blames Mommy's death on me. The voices continued "You know it was Daddy who did that to Mommy right." My eyes grew large, they hadn't said this before. It was almost like they could tell I was interested, because soon others latched on.

"Yes, Daddy was mean to her too." Sneered another voice. I started panting. "You're wrong." I said. "No, we're right." The voices chanted. "You're WRONG!" I shouted grabbing a vase and throwing it at the floor. At the sound of it breaking my eyes stared at the now broken shards scattered around the room. Then Daddy came in.

"What is wrong with you?!" he yelled. He suddenly grabbed me by the hair and dragged me to the bathroom. He grabbed a bottle of bleach.

"After everything-! Everything I've done for you! This'll teach you not to mess with me girl!" With that, he held the jug above my head, and with a scary precision, dropped a single drop of bleach into my left eye. I shrieked in pain as he let go and said:

"Is that enough girl or do you want more?!" I shook my head from side to side my eyes closed shut as tears threatened to streak down my face. Pain blossomed and contorted everything around me. "Good." He said, and on his way out of the room he punched me strait in the face. "Never. Do. That. Again." he whispered in my ear as he left. Only after he left the room did I start crying. For several minutes I couldn't see anything. When I finally could I looked in the mirror.

My once blue left eye was now a grey almost silver. A swirling swarm of ugly burning chemicals eating away at my iris. Until it started to reform again.. into something dangerous, something malicious.

The voices were right, soon I would have my revenge.

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