CH 1. there's another world?

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It was an excited day at Rivet town in this town Rodney his friends and bigweld we're at the ceremony and bigweld was giving a speech to everyone in the town

Bigweld: ladies and gentlemen, as you know it's been a while since the events of Robot City, today we are here too rewind all the events that happened

Bigweld then passes the microphone to Rodney Rodney then walks up the stage

Rodney: thank you Mr Bigweld and thank all of you for all your support I would have not made it this way and after that I have been through I will proudly percent...

???: stop the ceremony!!!

Everyone stopped as a mysterious robot appeared on sided, it was a modern robot who had black hair and blue eyes, wearing a blue knight outfit, a pair of white pants, and brown shoes

Everyone began to wonder is he from here or from Robot City Rodney then got curious

Rodney: hello? who are you?

Then the robot starts introduce himself

I'm Bennett ( voiced by Justin Bieber ) and I am a EDM artist of NSR

Everyone begin to wonder

Fender: NSR?

Piper: EDM artist?

Crank: what kind of place is that?

Lug: is it like a studio recording or something?

Diesel then begin to do signals

Rodney: well it's nice to meet you Bennett, but you don't look like you're from around here, in fact I don't think you're from Robot City either

Bennett: actually I come from a far away City, vinyl City where the greatest musicians live

Everyone then begin to feel interest in Bennett

Bigweld: well that's so great of you Bennett so what brings you here

Bennett: well you see I have been in NSR for 18 years and my parts are beginning to break, so they suggest me to go find a place where I can relax for a couple of days do you mind if I stay in your place?

Bigweld: of course you can this city is for everyone

Everyone then welcome Bennett into their town

Later that night Rodney shows Bennett the hotels

Rodney: and here is where you're going to stay

Bennett: wow thank you you really do care for robots like me

Rodney: that's what I do, well good night

Bennett: good night

Anything went to sleep while Rodney left the room

robots/no straight roads: the legend of Melody breachWhere stories live. Discover now