7. help

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[art does not belong to me, proper credits are in the pic. I might make my own version for this tho if I have time 👀]

alexa, play "you belong with me" by Taylor swift
Word Count: 2474

TW: slight verbal abuse/degrading from parental figure

practice was finally over, and you headed over to your truck to drive home. you knew desperately needed a shower before you went to Kyle's.

you heard a ping from your phone, and looked to see a Snapchat notification from kyle. stan had obviously stolen his phone because it was a selfie of him and Kenny with a very angry Kyle in the background.

it was captioned "Don't have too much fun tn 😈😈" you winced a bit at that. you responded with a picture of you flipping the bird titled "(sorry kyle if you're getting this) I promise I won't"


as you walked inside the house, you were greeted with the burning yet familiar smell of alcohol and smoke, but also your two beautiful dogs.

"hi zep, hi zephy". you kicked your shoes off and threw your bags down as you greeted them. you observed your sister on the couch watching Outer Banks and your mom working in the kitchen. "that's new..." you mumbled a little too loud.

"I'm not fucking deaf", your mom snapped.

"sometimes I wonder", you scoffed. you were done with her crap a long time ago.

"I could not cook for you", she reprimanded. "I could be picking up extra shifts and making your ungrateful ass money. you seriously don't understand how much I do for you!" you put up your hand and continued to walk up to your room.

"You're such a fucki-"


you flopped down on your bed and turned on your LED lights. you stared at the tapestries that decorated your ceiling for a moment before realizing you needed to get up and ready.

after you showered, you put on a cute and practical outfit before brushing your hair and putting on a bit of mascara. (gonna just let you guys pick the outfits now cuz I'm a loser skate/snowboarder who only wears tight band t-shirts and anything from zumiez 💀)

once you were ready, you turned on your favorite T.V. show (if you say south park I will show up to your house with a weapon) and went to text your sister.

whats the downstairs situation?

she made mac n cheese and she's trying to talk to me like she hasn't been gone for the last 3 days

I'll be down soon please come upstairs if you need to

lily❤ liked your message

soon enough, kyle had texted you wondering if you were ready. of course you said yes, and he said he was going to be there in 15 minutes.

Heart to Heart | Kyle Broflovski x Reader (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now