chapter li.

212 12 2

Darling, I will never be good. My hands are dirty with blood

But it's okay, 'cause yours are too.



"Why?" Out of all the things I could have said that was the one word that came out. I watch as her chest raises and falls with heavy breaths. Her gaze drops to Dumbledores body and then to mine.

"He's outlived his usefulness." The words send a chill through my body. "And I couldn't have him kill you before I found out the other half of the key's location." She squats down before me and lifts my chin up so I am fully looking at her.

"Our talk last night really made me think. So I thank you for that, my girl." The same name she would call me as she hugged me goodnight. The comforting words now being used to hurt me. "Now, tell me where it is. I think you owe me that."

I glance back to his body next to me. She didn't have to do that... she easily could have waited for him to kill me first. She must sense my hesitation because she speaks again, her voice softer with her next words. "I do not plan to use the key for anything other than raising my brother. Just let me use it and then I will return it to you."

I turn back to her and shake my head. "I do not want the key. Nobody should have that power. It needs to be destroyed." Her jaw clenches for a second then her face relaxes and she nods eagerly. "You're right. Just let me do this one thing and then we can destroy it together." She grabs my hands and holds it within hers. I see how desperate she is.

"You don't know where it is do you?" I don't say a single word instead I just stare at her even though I know at any moment she could kill me.

"But you did have it at one point?" She watches me closely for a reaction. I try to keep my expression blank. "Tell me who has it and I will make you a promise that I will not harm you or your friends."

And for some reason I believe her on that. Out of everything she has told me I feel like that is the one thing that she will actually follow through with. So I make one last mistake.


Vera left immediately after she got what she wanted. Leaving me alone with a still unconscious Dumbledore. I stand up slowly and limp over to the large mirror above the fireplace. The person I see staring back at me is weak and I no longer want to be her. I stare at myself for another minute until I hear a groan come from behind me. I turn around and see Albus starting to gain consciousness.

I watch him struggle and for the first time a calmness like I've never experienced washes over me. I made a promise last week that he would die and if there is one thing I have done right in my entire life it will be keeping it. I move closer to him and pick up the same scissors I stabbed him with earlier.

In a swift movement I move above him and kneel onto his abdomen. The weight causes his eyes to flash open. I see him focus on my face and the fact that I will be the last person he will ever see. And for some reason I smile, an automatic reaction as my body recognizes this moment for what it is. Then I bring down the knife and slam it into his chest. The single motion kills him instantly as the sharp blade pierces his heart. But I lift it up again and repeat the motion as if I am no longer in control of my body.



I was reckless, I admit. And I find it happening more often when Atarah is involved. But the moment the bartender revealed that bit of information to me I had hope. Which is a dangerous thing to have but I couldn't help it.

I could have been more gentle though instead of seizing the man by the throat and dragging him to the nearest chair. "What else do you know about them?!" I'm in his face and fear covers his features.

The man stammers out a measly few words, "They were just in here yesterday." My hold on him tightens without realizing it and only when he begins to turn purple do I loosen my grasp. "Where do they live?"

The man gave it up so easily and to my relief it was only a few miles outside of town. I was out of the pub instantly and raced in the direction of the home. The burning in my chest only increasing with each step but I welcomed the pain.

I reach the home quickly and fear washes over me when I see the front door is already open. I slow my steps and tentatively walk inside. My attention is brought to my left where light floods from another room. I make my way towards it, not letting my guard down as I step inside.

But nothing could have prepared me for what I saw. It wasn't the lifeless body of Albus Dumbledore but instead the woman standing above him. It was the way her body was soaked in blood. The way she was holding the murder weapon as if her life depended on it. And also the way her eyes were already on mine.

I saw a flash of fear in her eyes. Fear of what I was thinking of her right now. Perhaps she thought I saw a monster. But in truth, I saw perfection.

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