Chapter Five

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***Beth's POV***

I was awoken by a very shaky Jacob. He had a worried look in his eyes, and when I heard I knew that, what I just heard was causing him to be this way. I look at him and gave him the soft face, to calm him down.

Then I heard, " Officer Torres, here open up, or I will open up." He said in a stern tone.

I turn to Jacob, and he gives me the signal to go and get dressed so that we could leave. I pick out a plain white tee shirt, some black skinny jeans, and finally some white converses. I turn to see that Jacob picked out a plain black tee shirt, khaki pants, and finally black on black vans.

I make my way to back of the closet and get the emergency suitcase, we then exit our room and make it to the end of the hall. We reach the stairs and started to descend to the lower level of our home.

Once we make it to the living room, so that we could take the back door, we started to hear the banging on the door to get louder and louder. We could also, hear the screams of Officer Torres get louder and more aggressive, with every bang when he hit the door.

We make it to the back door just in time, because once we made it Officer Torres, had knocked down the door of the front of the house. We make our way to the garage, as quickly and quietly as possible. We finally made it, and we hopped into the black 2015 Ford Mustang.

We make our way of the garage, and we turn the corner, I look at Jacob and say, " Do you think that we made it?"

He still keeping his eyes on the road says, " I think that we did manage to get away from him, but we shouldn't be to cocky. He could be anywhere."

" We need to tell your Mother, about this, and ask her if she can take care of the kids, while we are gone." I tell him.

He nods at me to call him mother, I pull out my phone and begin to dial. After two rings she picks up.

"Hello." I say.

"Hello Beth?" She says.

"I was just calling to tell you that Jacob and I are running away form the police." I say it as calm as I could.

"What? What is happening?" She asks, with worry in her voice.

"Well, they found, some of my finger prints, on some needles, that I use. So now they are after us." I tell her.

"But why Jacob?" She asks.

"Well, when we were in the house, he was the one to kill Madison, to help me, otherwise she was going to kill me. So they think that he helped me kill." I say bluntly.

"Okay, but what about the kids? What are you going to do about them?" She asks.

"Well, that is why we called you. We were wondering if you could take care of them, while we are gone." I told her.

She was silent for a moment and then said, "Yes I will take care of them, while you guys get this sorted out. But make sure to do the right thing."

"I promise that we will, and thank you very much." I tell her

"Is there a message you would like for me to to tell the boys, for why you guys are gone?" She asks.

"Tell them, that we are in a business trip for Jacob's music, and that we will be back soon." I tell her.

"Alright, well goodbye for now, and take care of yourselves." She says.

I replied with, "Thank you very much, and tell them that I love them. We will call you back soon. Bye." I say.

After our talk, I look over to Jacob and I see this peculiar car follow us. I was starting to worried to see who is was. I nodded at Jacob to look back to see the car that was following us. I have a hunch that I know who it is, but I want to make sure.

"Jacob, I need you to change lane and get close to the other car, I have a hunch that I know who it is." I tell him

He obeys me, and does what I say. The car gets next to us and I was right it was Officer Torres, that was following us. I see that Jacob saw him as well. Jacob starts to pick up the pace.

Jacob keeps going faster and faster, trying to get away from him, but what ever he did Torres would do the same, to try to keep up with us. I was thinking about something, then I said, "What if you speed up and brake, then we go off into a different direction." I tell Jacob.

***Jacob's POV***

I cant't believe with the plans Beth is coming up with, they are so good. After she told me her newest plan, I did as told. I sped up and so did Torres, I brake, but Torres doesn't have enough time to brake. I turn into a different direction and I could see that we had successfully lost him.

"Beth, that was a really great idea, you just saved our butts, out there. Nice job babe." I tell her.

She looks at my direction with a smile and says, "I just though of it in a instance. I did not think that it was going to work, but when it did, I got happy."

"I could tell that her smile was not the same smile that she always give me, I turn to her and ask her,"What is wrong babe? I know that the smile, that you just gave me is not a real one."

"I just don't think that we should do this anymore. When I was talking to your mom she told me to do what was right. I think that running is not right, I think that we should just go home, I can just turn myself in." She says.

"Beth, we got this far ,we just can't turn back, please think about it, but for now, we have to pick a hotel to stay at." I tell

"Well you can pick I don't care." She says.

After our little conversation, I start looking for a hotel that grabs my attention, I find one.

Haunting Magcon(Sequel to Magcon Till Death)Where stories live. Discover now