Season 9 Episode 17: Mommy's Little Helper

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"Robin" she felt a hand on her arm and shot up pointing her gun, groggy.

"Robin, put the gun down" Dean growled with a lack of enthusiasm in his voice. "Just Sammy, babe."

"Oh" she grumbled putting her gun away.

"This what she does when you wake her" Sam asked him?

"Used to" Dean nodded. "Babe, Sammy has a case, needs you for backup."

"Yeah" she grumbled getting to her feet.

"Dean's not coming" Sam added.

She stopped in her tracks and narrowed her gaze at Dean, her face still radiating sleep.

"What" he snapped? "I don't say shit when you want to sit one out."

"Because it happens from time to time" she replied. "And I hunt with other people. You know you're known as the Winchesters right? Sort of a package deal. PS you totally questioned me."

"Yeah well" he grumbled. "I have stuff I'm working on."

Robin looked at Sam and he shrugged at her. She shook her head and headed down the hall. "You know it's kinda weird for a guy to send his girlfriend on a road trip, to stay in a motel room with his mildly attractive brother right" she asked rhetorically as she headed to her room? "No burritos Sammy" she added.

"It's comments like that" Dean grumbled. "Tells me I have nothing to worry about."

Robin and Sam hit the road headed to the lead he'd found.

"So, what do we got" Robin asked?

"Wife comes home" Sam replied. "School teacher. Snaps and beats her husband to chuck."

"That's a lot of aggression" Robin nodded. "But we are talking about a woman who is severely underpaid considering the shit she puts up with."

"You mean kids" Sam scoffed at her?

"And entitled parents, and not enough funds to take care of all the supplies she needs. And expected to complete her workload on her own time" Robin snapped. "Shall I go on?"

"Please, don't" Sam stammered. "Hey, have you noticed Dean has been a little off?"

"Off how" she asked, knowing exactly what Sam meant?

"I mean since he got his hands on the first blade" Sam replied. "He's shifty, distant. He's drinking more, eating less. And I'm guessing I woke you up in a chair in the library because he's not going to bed either."

She sighed, "Yeah, I was afraid of this."

"Of what" Sam asked?

"Last case you covered without me" she admitted. "I was doing research on the mark of Cain, and the blade."

"And" he asked?

"Not a lot to go on" she explained. "But it's previous owners don't have the greatest track record."

"There were others, other than Cain" Sam asked?

"Before Cain" she admitted. "There was text saying born out of darkness, but then some made it sound like an entity of darkness."

"That's ominous" Sam replied.

"The other owner, well you used to be his roommate" Robin murmured.

Sam's jaw clenched as he realized who she meant. "Lucifer."

"Yeah" she whispered.

"You didn't think to lead with that" Sam asked her?

"Lead with what" she snapped? "Sam, when he came back he already drank the kool-aid. You know how stubborn your brother is. That's why he's, not your brother anymore" she concluded with air quotes.

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