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~Seven Months Later~

Humming to myself, I make myself some tea. For once, complete and utter silence. Peacefulness. It has been seven months since coming to Virginia and creating Elysium, we managed to create a wall that covers two thousand acres of land. The animals were all let out and taken care of in pens for each animals, then you've got the vegetables and fruit. We had a storage house built for the fruits and vegetables for the winter, enough for us and for anyone we let in. So far we let in two new humans, Rosita and Abraham. We also added ten new cold ones vampires, Maggie's old coven along with the Egyptian coven and the Denali's who switched back to human blood. We made four nine story apartment buildings with four suits in each of them. Took some time but we managed to get an elevator in them as well as stairs and escape routes. A project that should have been taking years to make, only some in less than a year...I love magic.

Unfortunately, I've been getting reports about two local settlements. Alexandria and Terminus. Terminus is filled with rapists and killers so the people there need to die. Those in Alexandria seem like peaceful people, maybe I could talk with their leader about them joining us. Though there is one group that worries me more, a group called the Saviors.

"How are things?" Demetri comes over and kisses my neck.

"Thinking" John turns me around so that I can face them "about the reports on Alexandria? Terminus? The Saviors?"

"We need to get to the people of Alexandria, if we don't then I'm afraid Terminus or the Saviors will attack" I say "I mean...who's the leader?"

"Someone named Deanna" Demetri says "but first let's go back, to bed"

"Bed!" Exclaiming as I remember "we need to get more beds, furnish all of the apartments"

"Tomorrow's problem" John pushes me along with Demetri as we go to the bedroom which has a cot, I kept my focus on building or farming-now we need to furnish the apartments.


"Phoenix?" Tanya comes over to me as I'm lying back, I told everyone to take the day. No work, just a relaxing day since we all need it "how have you been?"

"I'm fine Tanya" sitting up as I look at her "how are you and your coven settling in?"

Nodding her head "We thank you for giving us a chance even though you hate the Cullens" she sits down next to me on the bench, her skin sparkles as we look at the playground where children play "I can't believe this is happening"

"It's a start" I tell her "I'm thinking about going over to Alexandria later today, Charles, Hershel and Lori will be coming with-do you want to come with?"

"Sure" she nods her head "what will you say to the leader?"

"I'll tell them the truth" shrugging my shoulders "it's what I have done for the last whatever days to get all these humans here"

"Have you ever thought about having children of your own?" She asks me, raising my eyebrow to her "you know you could do that, do you think your two mates will want to be fathers?"

"I don't know" shrugging my shoulders "maybe...I've always did wonder if I should adopt another child"

"Maybe now is the right time" she says, during an apocalypse? Odd timing.

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