
16 1 0

Your POV:

I just had my dinner but blimey.. Im not sleepy yet so i decided to watch some news. I sat down on the couch and stared at the remote on the table then picked it up and switched the television on and started searching for some latest news on the most reviewed news channel 'APC' (Astonishing Press Collective). I realised that they had already started reporting about something.

Reporter's words:

'And we came across the place where this crime had taken place the boy's body was hung upon a bridge by the legs and underneath the hung body there lay a railway track that was shut long ago no one really comes here but the surprising thing is that there is still no report of a missing person over the town.The investigators have taken the body for post mortem let us see how this turns out! For more latest news stay tuned Busan!'


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