that didint work out......

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i sit staring at my wall completely bored and confused- im almost surprised by the sudden knock at the door.

i sigh knowing its cyborg- ugh cyborg- it seems so wrong to call her that but what els am i.suppose to call her?

i walk to the door and i open it.

"are you ready?!" she asks eagerly. all i can do is nod, if i speak im afraid my voice will be to flat.

we make the "journey" to 2-Ds room. im not really paying attention to whats going on around me- why does she want me to go and wait hiding behind a pant pot for an hour or two?

"umm noodle?" i hear cyborg ask snapping me out of my thoughts.

"hmmm?" i murmur.

"im gonna go in." she says looking at me as though im crazy. i suddenly realize that im no longer walking and that im in the dark hallway to 2-Ds room.

"oh... uhh right! well good luck!" i say awkwardly going to my place behind the plant pot- some of the dead dried leaves poke me and rustle.against my skin.

cyborg sighs and knocks on 2-Ds door. not long after the blue haired singer opens the door and smiles revealing his missing front teeth.

" 'ello, cibourg." he greets.

"hello 2-D." cyborg says waving nervously.

"oi, do come in." he says moving out of the way letting cyborg in and shuts the door.

i sigh leaning my shoulder on the pots brown cracked rim. i sed my head on my hand waiting impatiently for cyborg to return- but i know that i still have awhile untill she does- maybe hours.

i scan the dark hallway bordly looking for something of interest. after having no success of finding anything that can hold my interest i decide to press my ear up to the door and listen to what could possibly be going on through that door.

i get up slowly- the plants rustling noisily against my skin- i pause waiting to hear any sounds of footsteps- but hearing non i get up all the way and creep to the door. i cautiously press my ear to the wooden door.

"oi, so do yew wanna wotch'a zombe movae?" i hear 2-Ds high pitched voice ask.

"well actually i want to ask you something." cyborg murmurs nervously. i feel my heart throbbing against my chest- i know snooping on this is wrong but what did she expect? for me to sit and talk to the dieing plant?

"like wot?" 2-D asks.

i hear a sigh.

"well weve been hanging out alot... and i-i-i-" she stuttersy my heart pounds in my chest my knees begin to shake with anticipation- what is he going to say? what if he says yes and they go all the way? i dont want to have to lighsen to that! i listen closely.

"i know what you are." she shakes.

i facepalm myself- she just used the lines from Twilight when bella found out Edward was a vampire!

"wot?" 2-D asks confused- i can just picture his fave right now- his thicck eyebrows furrowed the right slightly raised, and his mouth open slightly.

"i-i-i mean- i mean what i was trying to say was uhh umm.." she says nervously. "want to umm be my boyfriend?"

my heart pounds in my chest.

"oi..." 2-D says. "oi luv" i press my ear so close to the door it stings.

"i o'ly loo' ktya as a friend." he says. i feel a little happier- wait no thats selfish! i chase away those feeling but they chase me back.

"oh......." she says bearly audible.

"ya." 2-D says awkwardly. i pull my throbbing ear from the door hearing enough.

i move slowly to my spot behind the plant pot.

after about 3 minutes cyborg comes out looking sad.

"well?" i ask- not wanting her to know i was snooping. she shakes her head sadly.

"lets talk about it in my room." i offer her putting my arm arlund her as we walk up to my room.

unwanted welcome (NoodleXcyborgnoodle gorillaz fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now