Now You Want Me Pt. 3

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Words: 7,196. Again, I know it's short but I was just trying to get something out. Turning this into a book (with a possible spin-off) anyways. Maybe even going to include a second alternative ending to make everyone happy.

Requests are open.


A slow drag, a deep inhale, exhaling through his nostrils, letting the smoke bellow out as his eyes studied the two figures out on the court: Von and Taurus. Durk felt a twang of pain sharpened by jealousy. A triple whammy really; his mate don't seem to wanna corporate, his best friend is now best friends with said mate and, now they seem to spend all their time together. At least today... from what Durk gathered. He's.. been quite... busy today. Very important alpha activities really and then a massive letdown.

See, earlier he ran into Ashley. They sort of had a thing going in the past and now they're just having benefits. No friendship. Just benefits. And in the past? Amazing. Top notch cootie. So Durk was really excited, after all after the night he's had and with all the frustration and confusion about Von... he just needed to get his dick drenched. Then his head will be clear and maybe he can figure something out. That's just how he works, when his got a lot going on inside his mind he needs some sex to clear it and it doesn't seem like Dayvon will be giving anything up any time soon.

So, he gets to Ashley's place and goes ahead and makes himself comfortable. He strips to his boxer briefs and lays on the bed while Ashley dons some red lacy things she knows he likes. All the while, he wished it was Von dressing up for him. He told himself silently he had to stop thinking about Dayvon and just enjoy what's about to happen. His wolf laughed hysterically; which honestly should have been his second clue that something might be wrong with this situation. I digress, he wasn't thinking with the head on his shoulders anyways.

Flash forward. Foreplay. Things are getting real playful. Durk has two fingers in her core, she rocking and rolling and bouncing those hips. She's moaning and rubbing her clit and calling him alpha. Durk is erect and her pretty long red tipped fingers are wrapped around his thick veiny shaft. So thick in fact her hand couldn't close fully. They were sloppily kissing. Ashley grabbed his wrist and yanked his fingers out of her. She lined up with him, her wetness dripping beautifully on his throbbing manhood. Like a champ, she sat down. And you know, at first it was fine. And then all of a sudden, Durk felt like his shaft was on fire. At first, he was just too confused to register the full extent of the pain. Like he's fucked with Ashley (and others) plenty of times and this sudden burning sensation has never happened. What the fuck? Then in between trying to figure out why his cock was burning and trying to block out the laughter of his inner wolf- Ashley started to bounce and immediately Durk was screaming in pain.

He pushed her off him and jumped up. By the time he was completely soft yet the pain hadn't left, in fact it was shooting both up and down his body. Chest heaving, breathing puffing, eyebrows furrowing in anger; "What tha actual fuck, bitch?" He howled, his words bouncing off the walls with an amount of power that had her shaking in fear.

It can be dangerous to be an unmated alpha's fling. They can be mentally unstable and prone to outbursts and her friends warned her of all the risks but damn his dick game was so good that it made it all worth it.

Scrambling to flip herself and sit up, "Nigga, fucks ta you?" She huffs, trying to appear tough amidst her fear; knowing deep down it's in vain as Durk can actually smell her fear and see the change in her aura.

As he stood there the pain was just getting worse. This left Durk little choice but to quickly get dressed and flee, yet when he pulled his underwear up he discovered merely touching his sex sent electricity running through his body. "Shit!" He hissed, groaning in pain as his heart begun to race in fear, what the fuck is happening to him!?

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