of tomahawks and moccasins

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January 11, 2022

Sister Burton,

Remember even Alma had to swing the sword as a weapon piercing his enemies unto death. I'm quite certain that many were dissidents from the church as well as our brethren of the Lamanites, that possibly tested Alama's resolve to bring peace to the land.
Did not Captain Moroni execute his orders to his men with exactness by putting to death all who wouldn't serve God and their country? He had to deal swiftly to the divisions taking place in the land among the people.
Yet it was Nephi, who had to face his very family in battle, time and time again sending many to their places in the world of spirits beyond this mortal realm of reality. His heart was broken at the carnage and destruction before his eyes.
Think of Mormon serving with his son Moroni in battle and feeling the sting of death, great loss among their own family members and the faith in his fellow countryman slipping away month after month, turning to Moroni only to impart the things of his soul as a testimonial to the truths of the gospel which he eventually died for.
How was it of Helaman sitting in the planning meetings of war knowing the lives of many who's command he was entrusted with, would die and possibly even lay down his own life for the cause of freedom, and worrying for the safety of the young lads from whom said, "Their mother's have taught them." It was probably his greatest fear that he would lose those young, brave Lamanite warriors of which he praised God for their safety and miraculous guidance from on high.
(1,300 I recall) :)

I tell you these things to stir your soul into remembrance of the scriptures, that you may feel the power of "the thunder" found in the spirit of serving The Master, Jesus Christ.
Did not Peter walk on water when he was bade to come? Was not Saul of Tarsus struck down by a messenger sent from the very place of heaven where all is known before our Father?

[[These are the latter-days Sister Burton.
Make no mistake that you are in a battle
for the souls of mankind. You have the spiritual weapon of the tomahawk to weild off the adversary and keep safe all around you and the bow and arrow as well. As a missionary you will face all that there is to experience among the people of your day even as The Savior did during His ministry.]]

I'm so proud of you. I'm happy for you.
My joy is full. Hang in there as you and your companion make decisions on who you spend time with as you share the gospel.
Powerful "tools" you have are in the following:
1) Finding pool
2) Teaching pool
3) Baptizing pool
4) Retention pool

You are always finding. Always talking and inviting!
Here's the key........ testify then invite.
That's it. You speak as you share your thoughts always testifying then inviting. You testify of whatever it is your speaking about. You then invite the person to do something like reading in the scriptures and setting a baptismal date, which leads them to making and keeping covenants and eventually regular church attendance, accepting and fulfilling a calling, and administering to other's.

You are always teaching, tailoring your message to the needs of those you teach. Following the spirit will guide you and your companion in the way you invite, but one thing is for sure, you'll never be told by the spirit to not invite or not
invite them to be baptized unless you are told to leave by the spirit. Your mission is to find the elect and bring to them the saving ordinances of the everlasting gospel that they may one day find peace and lasting happiness in the presence of our Heavenly Parents to partake of that fruit that is most delicious above all fruits, yea even
eternal life!

You will need to assist the ward in their calling as bearing one another's burdens that you can rely on a few to come with you on certain teaching appointments and offer rides to church.
Build a relationship of trust with the members that the investigator(s) or newly baptized member may feel welcome, thus strengthening retention efforts.

You will raise the spiritual tomahawk to fend off the adversary and walk in your moccasins towards Golgotha where your sacrifice will be complete.
Serving The Lord requires one to be all in. You lift where you stand. Be specific in your prayers with The Lord. Name names. Name places.
Describe situations specifically.
Have a brightness of hope and a faith unwavering. Ask and you shall receive according to what
The Lord sees fit and in His time.
As you show your willingness to serve you will be blessed. Your area and ward will be blessed because you asked of it and the heavens could not withhold any longer the blessings and miracles of your great faith. So it was with other's in times gone by. May it be so of your time. I know this to be true fore, I am a witness of such things in my experiences with such matters.

{{Elder Burton I don't know what to say. I walked along side my companion who'd been out about a week saying again, "I don't know what to say."
We were on our way to speak to a revival near downtown Louisville, Ky. A paster had asked us
to come to his congregation and speak.
As we neared a vacant lot in a run down part of the city a large canvas tent was set up. There we would speak to about 50-80 or so people.
Street lights were few and the lights from the skyscrapers glowed sending shades of light down the street only to allow images of people moving around in the dark. I looked at my greenie companion who was near tears for feeling so inadequate and fearful of our situation.
I put my hands on his shoulders, squeezed and brought him close to me and said, "Elder shake off those chains that bind you. Stand tall, square your shoulders and lose your tongue; fore,
The Lord has need of us His servants, to find those tonight and bring them to the true gospel even if it be this entire congregation.' The Lord knows you're here Elder. He wants you to testify of prophets and that there is one alive today.
Can you do that?" He said he could."
I told him I would testify of Jesus Christ.
We were introduced to the congregation as friends of the pastor and friends in the ministry
of The Lord. We stood together as the pastor introduced us then I nodded at my companion and he spoke. It was powerful to hear his words.
He had the spirit and moved the crowed.
I too testified of my companion's words that they were true and bore my witness of the Devine nature of Jesus Christ, His atonement, and role in the Plan of Salvation.}}

The pastor was taught the gospel and several in the congregation as well. They didn't initially join the church but this was the start of a great stirring among the people there. The Lord had a work for us to do. As a zone we went on to teach, and teach, and teach...............
As a zone we baptized many from congregations including some Elder's that had taught a preacher and his wife. We received approval from Salt Lake to start an inner city branch and the preacher later became the Branch President after I finished setting up the branch as zone leader in the area.
Right when I left my mission to head home that preacher and his wife were getting ready to go to the temple, be endowed and sealed for time and all eternity.

At the time I was a zone leader of the largest zone in the mission. I had 36 missionaries in my zone.
Before being called to serve in the office as an AP I had the privilege of training seven Elder's while serving as a zone leader.

You Gussy are living the gospel and through your obedience, are spiritually walking in the footsteps of your ancestors; the keepers of the mountains and valley's below in The Great Basin, yea even them who came across the plains pulling their handcarts among the Saints.

[[The moccasins shod upon your feet will bear the footprint of covenants kept. Courage unto you and a pillar of strength to your posterity and beyond the veil, where there, upon the plains of foreverness there is no end to the majesty and glory of the eternities.]]

Love you my daughter of Thunder!
ie...... ie..............
Can you hear me,,.. ie....................................


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