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Princess Peach was sitting on her bed trying to stop the tears. Mario wasn't answering her texts. What is wrong with Mario? Mario doesn't care if Luigi is dead... Luigi...

"Princess someone is here to see you" Toadsworth said 

Princess Peach wipped her tears and lifted her head up to see Princess Daisy.

"Peach you poor thing!" Daisy said

Princess Daisy ran over and hugged Princess Peach. 

"Peach! Oh my goodness I've never seen you cry like this except the time Mario asked you to be his girlfriend! Let's get you fixed up love!" Princess Daisy said, wiping some of Princess Peach's tears.

"Alright... " Princess Peach said as she tried to smile

Soon, Princess Peach and Daisy were on a bench in a castle garden.

"Now to talk about Squishy..." Princess Daisy started. (Squishy is a code name for Mario) 

"I hate that he doesn't care for Kiwi" Princess Peach said (Kiwi is Luigi's code name)

"Squishy really doesn't care... Poor Kiwi."Daisy said looking out to the garden. 

"Squishy traded me for Kiwi. I get it i'm his girlfriend... but, his own brother? Kiwi couldn't even decide! Why?" Princess Peach slowly became mad

"I'm sorry! Kiwi didn't have a say in Squishy's plan?" Daisy said enraged


Princess Peach and Princess Daisy both got up from the bench and headed to Toadsworth office. 

"Toadsworth! I need you to do something for me. I want you to get the knights and bring me Mario!" Princess Peach said.

"Y-yes my Princess!" Toadsworth said


(Okay i'm sorry! But over to Mario and what he's up to!!!) 

"Mario... You have had 4 shots already... Are you sure you want more?" The bartender asked.

The bartender was concerned. Mario was getting a bit rude with him. Mario almost kissed a girl at the bar too.

"Duh! I'm *hic* fucking Mario i'm not *hic* no wimp!" Mario said taking down the shot in his hand

"Al-alright sir..." The bartender walked over to make his shot and watered it down.

"Here you go" The bartender said, handing Mario the drink

Soon 3 Knights came into the bar.

"Hello we are looking for Mario... The princess asked for him." One of the knights said

"He's right over there Sir" The bartender points at two people kissing.

Out of the two people kissing one of them was Mario. 


Sorry this chapter wasn't as long I have a sleepover with some friends tommorow...

The next chapter will be longer.


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