Prologue; Of Stars

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Soliloquy - 1 of many.

The power within love is incredible, we are strengthened by the love of others, and weakened by that same love; but within caring, when is there ever worry. Other than the countless list of uncontrollable events that can destroy the attraction between two souls. Some say inconceivable lovers are crossed in the stars, the lovers that are without a doubt meant to be. I completely disagree with that theory, the fact is, metaphorically; you can wield the stars. You can control your path and decide what kind of relationship you want. Regardless of what those star freaks say, there are couples that are nearly perfect. The kind of couples where the Hollywood movies are based upon, and the cliche books are materialized. Now, not that every love story is cliche, but they are abundant.

We are not going to focus on those "instantly perfect" love story's, rather on mine. See, I met this girl in a bar, and realistically we both were down on our luck. We were definitely not planning on ending up like this, but we did, and that is a choice we made. Our love story wasn't inevitable, but our meeting was, and through that we grabbed the stars and governed them. Our words are not written in the stars, they're written in what we decided to fix.

Think of it like this, if my life were a songbook, every song will have an error. In order to obtain the perfect song, you must continue to fix the errors.



Thanks so much for the comments and votes, it means a lot to me. I think this is going to be my best work of writing yet!!! Don't forget to comment and vote! :)

* Spoiler - The book only starts to reveal all it's goodies at chapter 15 or 16, please don't stop reading until then.

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