Chapter 5: The Match and Then Some

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Nessa catches Zelinas gaze across the ring and discretely gives a little nod. Zelina smiles mischievously before their attention returns to the people in the ring before them. The bell rings signaling the start of the match and Rey steps towards Dominik who promptly backs up and tags Damien in letting him start instead, silently proving what he just said about not wanting to hurt his dad.

Alongside Rhea and Finn Nessa cheers Damien on as he just dominates and throws Rey around the ring, Nessa jumping up and down clapping as Rey is thrown in the corner and Dom is tagged in.

"Make him pay Dom Dom," She calls out, giggling along with Rhea as Rey is once again thrown about the ring. Eventually, Rey forces his way to his corner and Santos tags himself in running to the opposite corner of the ring, hitting Damien, making him fall off the apron before turning to Dominik and just dominating the fight. Nessa goes over to Damien helping him up. He jumps in the ring as Dominik slides out only to be flipped right back out of the ring by Rey. Nessa helps Damien up again shaking her head and Rhea is over by Dominik with Finn helping him back up. Dominik gets back in the ring and tags Damien back in who quickly gains control over Santos as he did with Rey.

Dominik tags back in and immediately puts Santos in a hold who pushes over to his corner and flips Dom over so he can tag Rey in.

"Come on Dom!" Nessa cheers as Dom pins Rey who kicks out and regains control. Nessa blanches as Rey dropkicks Dom and Rhea jumps onto the apron about to interfere but Dom kicks out of the pin on his own. Nessa goes to stand by Rhea by the ramp knowing what is coming soon.

Rey sets up Dom for the 619 and Rhea pulls Dom off the ropes as Rey approaches to hit it. Zelina runs up on the apron and Nessa pushes Rhea out of the way, Zelina lands on her shoulders flipping her over, her back hitting the barricade and knocking the wind out of her. Rhea kneels by Nessa checking on her before glaring at Zelina once she was sure Nessa was ok. Zelina starts taunting Rhea, "Come on Champ!" she does the come-on gesture as Rhea glares.

"Yeah, you better run!" Rhea threatens and begins to chase her, disappearing in the crowd. Finn helps Nessa up who groans, still sore from training from the last few days.

"Are you ok luv?" He asks, looking at her as she nods her head, keeping her eyes on the match. Dom tags Damien in who is almost immediately thrown out of the ring and Rey completes the 619 on Dominik before Damien can get back in the ring being the legal man. He slams down Santos and pins him, getting the win. Damien quickly rolls out of the ring as the LWO enters it and the four of them slowly back up the ramp, Dominik's and Damien's arms thrown around Nessa's shoulders. Dominik leans down to her ear to whisper, "Are you ok amor?"

She smiles and smacks his chest gently, "Yeah, perfectly fine. Good job Dom Dom."

Once they are past the curtain and the cameras are no longer on them the boys start flipping their shit. "What the fuck is that. Zelina is out of line for that!" Damien's voice booms making Nessa jump and Finn speaks up in agreement.

"She isn't trained for this, she isn't a wrestler that was incredibly dangerous and stupid"! Finn gives Nessa a stern look.

"Nessa, are you ok, why did you push Mami out of the way?" Dominik fusses over her looking her over for obvious signs of injury and she steps back and holds her hand out to make him stop talking.

"Look guys, I'm fine. It was planned that I step in. I practiced similar things the last few days. We need to find Rhea before she kills Zelina. She wasn't in on that." Nessa gestures down the hallway. She goes to walk down said hallway and the boys share a look before following her, Dominik still rambling.

"What do you mean that was planned?"

"Exactly what I just said, Dom. I am perfectly fine and we both knew what we were doing." He doesn't respond as they hear Rhea yelling at someone. They all run towards her voice to see Rhea in Zelinas face,

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