Grimm's Revenge

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Once upon a time, a light fairy named Celeste was born out of a star. It was the origin of her name, and her wings glimmered in the night like a shooting star. Her eyes glowed like the summer sun, and her beauty enchanted everyone around her. But her beauty was her weakness: many people were jealous as she grew older. The light from her wings allowed the others to work at midnight. There was one person who hated her the most, her mother. She was once more elegant than her, winning the heart of the most powerful king. Celeste's parents were the sun to her star, but now it seemed the other way around. Her beauty won the hearts of all the people. She was kind and always put others first, even if she didn't want to. Celeste felt that her parents were the only thing that mattered, and she would do anything for them. They were her parents, who would never hurt a single hair on her head. But one night, Celeste was sleeping peacefully, and her mother tip-toed in her room and sliced her wings off. Blood spilled out onto her White sheets tainting the beauty of the Sheet's lace. Her mother would regret this because karma will always come back to you. For now, She wore a Smile on her face like a killer keeping a souvenir of their victim. she did just that, hanging her Daughter's wings above her bed to keep her company. Her smile could bring nightmares to anybody, even her own husband. And Celeste was found guilty of stealing her mother's power.

The punishment was death or permanent banishment from all of the kingdoms. She knew death would be the better option. But she couldn't let her mother get away with this. Years passed, and a new fairy was born. She gave herself the name Grimm after the power she held. Dark magic required a corrupted soul powerful enough to trap elemental magic. It could turn anything into a nightmare. The hatred suffocating in Grimm's heart was thirsty for blood. One day, her revenge will spill the blood of her mother. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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