Info about the Markari

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The ancient aliens that caused all this the Markari.

They reproduce via spores that enter a host soon these spores will mature inside forming a parasite. Within a few hours it will soon have full control over the host. And then it will force the host into a secluded area to begin mutations some mutations include enhanced growth of limbs the production of extra limbs and even using the environment to create armor or weapons. All Markari are under the hive mind controlled by the  queen.

Here are some common types:

Queen: she is the strongest in a hive commanding everything that is infected

Queen: she is the strongest in a hive commanding everything that is infected

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(Queen without a host)

King: not as strong as the queen but a king is still very powerful

Protectors: their single purpose is to help protect the queen using both organic and nonorganic materials they form shields on their forearms

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Protectors: their single purpose is to help protect the queen using both organic and nonorganic materials they form shields on their forearms

Protectors: their single purpose is to help protect the queen using both organic and nonorganic materials they form shields on their forearms

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Brutes: with enlarged upper limbs brutes can smash thought virtually anything

Infectors: they body's have mutated enough that they can produce more spores seeking out the uninfected

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Infectors: they body's have mutated enough that they can produce more spores seeking out the uninfected

Warriors: quick and deadly warriors normally have large blades on their arms to quickly dispatch their prey

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Warriors: quick and deadly warriors normally have large blades on their arms to quickly dispatch their prey

Warriors: quick and deadly warriors normally have large blades on their arms to quickly dispatch their prey

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Drones: the most common type simply an infected

Drones: the most common type simply an infected

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