Chapter Forty

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"Someone is seeking your audience, Lady Camilla," Francesca said with a heavy face, entering the room. "He is at the library; Elise informed me," she added, almost clicking her tongue. "Did she say who?" I hung back, studying her facial expression, which seemed not good.

I stood up instantly, heading outside.After you," she said, waving her hand. Franchesca pursued me along and opened the doors for me. Furthermore, I saw a tall, bald man crossing his legs sitting on the office table with his tobacco.

"Uncle Octavio," Franchesca said to make our presence. Seeing him, he stood up and walked towards us. "Lady Camilla, may I?" he said, bowing his head, and he asked my hand to kiss the ring. I do the same, heeded by Franchesca, and he does the same to Franchesca in his current position. "Lady Camilla, finally we meet. May I formally introduce myself on behalf of the others? I am Octavio Borzelli, the current and first successor in the Lineage of Brotherhood Society." gently bowing his head.

"I gave you these two invitation cards to both of you, the Fourth and the Fifth Successors, who are currently in their highly recognized positions," he said, highlighting his words. Franchesca and I were both listening but observing. Franchesca was on guard, blocking her body in front of me, peeking at the man, Octavio, and Franchesca being tall enough to stand myself next to her. "SSo, I won't be long here just to drop these cards discreetly. I apologize for the nuisance." He placed an invitation card with their identification symbols on each lineage.

"I expect you two will be there." He assumed to wave his hands. "I need to go; it's good to see you both happy, alive, and well," he said calmly, walking arrogantly towards the door. I stood there holding Franchesca's arms. Seeing him, he paused and looked towards us before saying, "Protect her, my dear gorgeous niece. I would marry her if I had a chance." He said departing words, and we both saw a closing of the door. "I am protecting her, Octavio," whispered.

"Ugh! Dirty old man," Franchesca grunted. "Too bad I made her pregnant, "she mumbled.

"For an exceptionally long time and for the very first time, I kept seeing those empty chairs as I grew up. Asking what she would look like," Franchesca said, recalling. "We will fill those seats that night for the first time and for a very long time," she explained. "I can't believe my eyes will be filled with joy seeing that empty chair as I grew up imagining what you looked like, Lady Camilla," Franchesca and her words.

"So, let's pay a visit to your dad's office later tonight." I looked at her confused. "Might there be several clothes that need to be worn at the particular gathering with few people?" she continued, but only I looked at her studying. "I used to attend these kinds growing up," Franchesca added, studying. Her face looked like she had fun meeting with the families of the Brotherhood Society. I took both the envelopes and thoroughly tossed them into the fire.

Franchesca's face was in surprise, raising her arms like mouthing, "WWhat the —??" questioning, "I'm sorry? This baby won't grow if you feed me to these monsters." I composed myself, calmly said, folding my arms in front of my chest. "Ah, yes." Franchesca, raising her hands, surrendered both arms in the air and took her seat and didn't talk further. "I am not welcome to those monsters out there." I almost chuckled seeing her face, despite being a monster; she is defeated just like that.

"It's a red flag, Franchesca; it's a trap. Sometimes we get blinded by a family bond; we are aware that they're toxic, yet still, we managed to see their good side as we grow, and that will always remain us like a loop in our brain." Seeing her, she nodded, not complementing.

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