Doctor Visits and Combat Avoidance

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Approaching the gates, Rose felt that queasy feeling again. Strigoi had to be close. It was really starting to weigh on her. Almost as if strigoi were everywhere she was. Earlier she thought they were after Lissa, to end her line once and for all, but the strigoi had made it clear that they are not to end any of the royal lines entirely.

Could it be that they are really after me?  Questioning everything, Rose found it the only possible explanation. Given the amount of light still filtering through the trees, they were safe, passing easily into the wards once more. Making her quick thanks, Rose put her shopping away and made her way to the infirmary to check in with the doc, Alberta's orders. 

Only she didn't make it. Instead she was pulled into Lissa who she thought would be sleeping for the journey back, tired form a shopping marathon. But she wasn't. She was wide awake. Wide awake and terrified. Disengaging the bonds pull, Rose ran to the gates without missing a beat, certain it was the strigoi she felt lurking earlier and feeling responsible. With her running at full speed, she appeared at the gates in record time, barely shouting to a nearby guardian to call for backup. Thankfully for everyone, it was one of her father's people on duty, one who knew better than delay by asking questions. Calling it through, Alberta authorized him to follow immediately while she called for backup and had the clinic on standby. 

Upon arrival, they were met with the scene of a group of strigoi setting upon the van just outside gate sight, Moroi and novices still inside the vehicle. Just like when we first returned Rose thought. That was yet another concern, and seeming confirmation of her earlier thoughts.


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"Yuri. Emil. Get in and get them behind wards" Rose ordered. While they should've waited for a more senior person to order them back, they didn't. Following her lead, they'd jumped back in and without bothering to buckle up, sped the van through the wards. Lissa was shouting they needed to make sure Rose was alright. Mason also questioned why Rose stayed behind. Tasha too was shouting, not liking the fact Dimitri was still out there, or that the little blood whore was fighting beside him.

"Get to bed boys" Emil ordered. "You return to normal schedule tomorrow, minus the extra training". As much as they enjoyed the extra trainings with Belikov and the improved skills, they were tired and sore. They could only imagine how sore Rose had to have been, going through his trainings twice a day after two years of nothing. How she coped was a mystery, particularly with her regular combat trainings before they too were taken over by him.

"If you get bored, you could always write a short report about today; what techniques you used and what you learned. Hand it in to Guardian Alto. I'm sure he would love to read it" Yuri added. Easing up on their hero worship after today's trip, everyone knew how peeved Alto would be to grade it. It would annoy him even more that Rose would not be making one. Little did the occupants know she will be writing up reports of another sort, from this current attack, as well as her mall kills.

Meanwhile back at the gates, Art and Celeste worked to take the three targeting them; Dimitri was double teamed while the three guardians as back up and one of the pair on gate duty (one remaining at the gate per protocol), had their own target. Dimitri was freshest of their group, the only one not involved in earlier attacks. Given his were recently turned, they were dispatched easily enough that he then went to help Art and Celeste, distracting one long enough for them to stake it and had the rest soon after. The only good thing about the attack, was Celeste got to truly fight side by side with an idol; she thought it was hot to see Art in action. Each of the guardians managed their targets, working together for each of them to make a kill as she'd insisted of the two at the Badica residence. Rose would have been proud if she had time to witness anything outside of her fights. She was the one who was truly targeted.

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