Prologue - The Timer

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Draft 3

Sirens blared above a scrawny form as worn feet pounded against sharp, icy gravel. Wind tugged at the figure's clothing, which brushed it against their skin so much that it was bruising. Shouts echoed down the tunnel, following the sound of quiet whimpering and grinding teeth, motorbike engines roaring with each inch that they gained on their prize.

Inevitably, the pursuers pounced on the unfortunate soul, their hands cloaked in leather, seizing their pale arms with force enough to elicit a scream. The captors, delighted by their catch, threw them onto the decaying concrete. Gray eyes darted between the never-ending swarms of agents.

Though their golden masks hid their faces, the prisoner could still feel eyes boring into them.

They kicked at one agent who dared to come too close, but another swiftly gripped their long hair to hold them in place. Ropes bit into their wrists and tugged at their arms, now bound tightly together, as the sound of the prisoner's gnashing teeth rising above the muted chatter of the triumphant agents. Several more motorbikes halted a few feet away from the group, more humans dismounting their vehicles and surrounding the small figure. Something else, mostly comprised of steel and partly of cloth, pressed against their lips: a gag, meant to both stifle the captive's screams and prevent their sharp teeth from sinking into the exposed flesh of the guards. One of them wrapped their arms around the small prisoner's torso, lifting them onto one of the leather seats behind an agent who had stayed on their vehicle.

The engine purred to life, and within heartbeats the ground fell behind them. Soon, the sun pierced their exposed arms, and dead trees blurred by at a rapid pace as the smaller group merged with the larger, riding towards a single destination. It wasn't long until gray eyes landed on the cold, concrete-laden monolith, anger burning in the captive's chest. It wasn't long until they were escorted inside once again, cattle prods mere inches from the hairs that stood on their skin.

Stone and concrete matched their irises in color and surrounded them on all sides, scientists and guards passing them by as they traversed the winding corridors of the horrible fortress. Machinery whirred loudly behind closed doors and heat emanated from some of the open ones, reminding them of the "tests" and "experiments" performed on them because of their prophetic visions.

Finally, they arrived at a massive enclosure, which was possibly meant for large animals, filled to the brim with elements of nature. Water flowed through a stream around the perimeter of the cage, grass lined the floors, and moss climbed up the trees that provided a canopy of shade from the harsh, artificial light. It was their room, and it couldn't have been more dehumanizing.

With one, swift movement, electricity stabbed into their side, encompassing their whole body until pain was the only feeling they knew. With the pain, with their mind screaming and their body convulsing, came a vision, one not quite like the ones before it.

"When the clock hits zero, Timekeeper," A voice, disembodied, ethereal, full of every hope, dream, and ambition in the world spoke. They had heard it before, but only in whispers. "The ones with golden magic will have ultimate power."

Gasping, drowning, writhing in pain, the young captive felt ice and water drench their face and clothes, their vision vignetted with dark spots and their mind whirling at the implications of the information the voice had bestowed upon them.

Someone stood in front of them, dressed the same as the others. His golden mask was slightly different, the logo on the front having a few extra details that the prisoner couldn't make out behind their blurring vision.

"You had another vision," He stated, his body impossibly still. "Tell me."

It was then the small figure noticed that their binds and gag had been removed.

"The timer," They spluttered. "It's when the ones with... with golden magic... the ones bound to be together... will discover ultimate power."

"Interesting," Was the only response he gave. "Could you tell me more about this... magic?"

"I don't know," The captive felt tears drip down their cheeks. They were reminded of the ink on their arm. "That's all I know."

"Oh, well." He shrugged.

Something pinched their neck.

Nothingness welcomed them like a coffin.

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