Part 3: chapter 10

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*old evil Cerus above*

"How did he get that?!" Sebastian asked frustrated.

"I had put ancient magic around the repository I made when I created it because I was afraid the wand I had used to make it wasn't strong enough alone. As we know, it wasn't, and when it broke again it must have made the ancient magic break up. He touched an old part of the repository that still had the magic." I took a breath after saying everything.

"And about the other Cerus living under the school?" Weasley asked.

"I found a room where someone had been sleeping and looking for something in books. I think they are from the restricted section. I was there once a long time ago where I looked into the pensive that was in the room. Someone had pulled me out but I never saw who it was. I believe now that when I went the doorway into that room years ago i actually traveled forward in time where I looked in the pensive and then was put back."

"Ava," Marc started scratching his neck, "this is... a lot of information. And we don't know if the second thing is the truth. I'll have to look into it."

"I, for now, put a charm on the entrance to the map chamber. No one Can enter the school from the other side. But once he figures out there's a charm he'll be able to break it." Everyone was quiet while they processed everything.

"We should kill the kid." Sebastian said bluntly. Weasley let out a gasp while sharp tried to hide his lack of surprise.

"We can't. It can mess with a lot of things. Wether we like him or not, he is a key player in all this. So if we take him out who knows what will fuck up." I searched my head a si remembered something. "Oh, Sharp. The kid, his family last name is Willows?"

"I mean, his is, why?"

"I think he's a parselmouth."


"Yeah, he went down into the map chamber because he said he could here a 'hissing voice' calling him. I thought that's only something decedents from Salazar Slytherin can do."

"It is only them, and the reason Mr. Willows didn't know he was a wizard was because he was at an orphanage."

Sebastian and I glance at each other. "Do you think?" I ask him.

Sebastian shrugs, "the worst he can do is call us stupid for assuming this."


"You both must have some real learning problems if you think me and Cerus would be anyway related." Ominis groaned.

We had caught him leaving for the day and Sebastian asked him immediately, unable to contain his curiosity.

"Your father had no other children after you? Are you positive?" I asked. "Also why are you acting like fifth year Ominis... I thought you were nice now." I mumbled the last part to myself.

He sighed and ran his fingers through his blond hair. "Sorry, Gus hasn't been sleeping well. So I'm a little aggravated. As far as I know my father had no children after me. But it doesn't mean he didnt keep sleeping around. Who knows." He started to walk away.

"He said he could hear parseltongue. That's why he went to the map chamber." Ominis stopped in his tracks and turned around.

"He heard it today?"


"Did you hear it too Ominis?" Sebastian asked with his arms on his hips.

"I did actually I thought it was in my head from lack of sleep." He yawned, "It was too distant from where I was for me to understand. It he can understand it there is a chance.... A small chance that he could be some relative to me."

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