Breakfast mess Chaos

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HEY Y'ALL I AM YOUR WATER PRINCESS AND I AM BACK. Ok really? Why do I say that. I never leave here.

Anyways. I'm going crazy but that's ok. Let's see what happens next with the babies.


Breakfast was uneventful, but all of the little ones ended up covered in syrup. They didn't mind but the older ones did.


"God how did this happen??" Simon said in shock as he looked at mess. Mitch had a puddle of syrup on his plate that he was "splashing" in. Vikk and Lachlan's hair was standing up in end from having so much syrup in it. Harry had smashed as much fruit as he could and throwing them all around the room. And Preston had covered himself in syrup. They thought he got more on himself then in his mouth. Tobi had made him self a pancake hat.

"What did they do?" Jerome moaned as he grabbed the plate away from Mitch.

"No. Bad Biggums. Like ticky tuff," Mitch said trying to be fierce.

"No way in hell are you getting that back," Jerome said.

Mitch pouted for a second before reaching over to pull Vikk's sticky hair. "Owwwwweeee. Mitch. Why you do dat?" Vikk said.

Lachlan turned from watching Simon fight apple slices away from Harry to glare at Mitch. "Why you hurt Mine?"

"Fun," Mitch said pulling Vikk's hair again.

Vikk's eyes welled up with tears and Lachlan threw a fork at Mitch. "Bad Mitch. No hurt Mine."

The baby squabble was cut of by Preston shrieking. "NOOO. WANT STICKY."

"No. It's bath time," Rob said picking up the sticky toddler. "Off we go."

"No no no no," Preston said over and over.

"That's a good idea," Jerome said. "Come on Baby Biggums. Before Vikk loses his hair and you lose an eye."

Josh took Tobi in his arms. "Bath time for you as well Mr. Pancake man."

"My hat." Tobi said.

Simon looked at Harry. He was the cleanest so he didn't need a full bath. "Jerome."

"Yeah dude," he called back.

"Do you want to bring Vikk and Lachy to the master bathroom and I'll help you bath then. So we can get the 3 of them done at the same time?"

"Yeah that'd be great but what about Harry?"

"I'll grab him a toy or something. He can play in the bathroom."

"Ok then. Please!" Jerome said.

"I'll meet you there with Harry in a minute. I want to wash his face quick."

"Alright dude. Mitch buddy we are gonna go to the bathroom ok?"

"BIGGUMS," Mitch said as he hugged Jerome.

Jerome sighed. "Come on," he said picking Mitch up. He put Mitch in the bathroom and turned on the tub. "Sit there. Don't move or you'll get a time out," Jerome said pointing to be rug in the middle of the room. Mitch scuttled over to it and sat still. Jerome ran down the stair to get Vikk and Lachlan.

They were laughing at Simon stuggling to wash Harry's face.

"No clean. No want."

"I don't care what you want. I want a clean baby."

"Nooooo no no."

Jerome smiled as he unbuckled the Vikklan babies. He carried them to the bathroom smiling at their baby talk.

"Ticky Wachy!"

"No like sticky Mine."

Both little ones looked at Jerome, "Biggums make unticky!" Vikk said.

"Pwease, Biggums. Make sticky stop," Lachlan said pulling at his hair.

"I'm working on it Vikky. Lachlan stop pulling at your hair," Jerome said. "And since when do you two call me Biggums."

They looked at him confused. "But you is Biggums," Lachlan said. Jerome carried them in to the bathroom.

"BIGGUMS," shouted Mitch.

"Tee you be Biggums," Vikk said.

"Alright, I'm Biggums," Jerome said laughing. "Guess what time it is boys?"


So that's that chapter. Hope y'all enjoy.

Bath time is up next. So that'll be heels cute.


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