Chapter Forty-One

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Warmer air soothes my skin, and I began to enjoy the feeling of it. Combing Franchesca's hair through my fingertips gently makes her fall asleep. Lost of introspection, not understanding all this Brotherhood Society, but we both suffered enough.

I yearned to end this and put peace in this system we were in, but still nowadays I am encountering and dealing with the consequences of what my father did in the past. They see him as a betrayer. Looking at Franchesca gently closing her eyes, she is almost asleep; she looked so relaxed in my lap. Staring at this stunning living doll that I fell in love with... It looks like she enjoyed the warm air getting inside the room and watching those bedroom curtains fly.

I kissed her forehead, gently bumping my lips, making her awake and catching a glimpse of me looking at her. I continue brushing her hair with my fingertips, almost fiddling. Permitting her back to sleep again in my lap. Seeing her feel safe and secure, I never thought Francisca would be like this; all I see is a spoiled brat. What she wants, she always gets, and no one will get in her way. I shook my head having these thoughts. Who would have had the tiniest idea that I might fall for her? She conveys her emotions freely, not suppressing them, not like her older sister Florence; god knows how long. I didn't mention or even think of her name.

Florence is so good to be true if that chance didn't take away from us. I wish I could know her better; I never wish to bear a child with Franchesca, whom I didn't know at all. I analyze her, like what I see is what I get, but behind it, it's just an act to give annoyance to everyone. Like a child constantly striving for attention, I am tricked by it.

"Camilla... babe... are you okay? What's troubling you, that building up weight again?" I looked at her and kissed her lips and looked at her again. "No, I don't care if you cheat on me," I poked at her. Camilla, I still regret what I have done in the past; I want to ask a favor; don't put another mistake that will never happen," she said. I squeezed her nose. "I'm just kidding." I smiled at her. She sat next to me and embraced me dearly. "I'll take that as a compliment, babe." I felt the warm breath on my neck whilst she clutched to me. "Let's go downstairs; let's have some snacks in there, a healthy one, not some cravings," she suggested. I presumed to walk, but she tugged me up immediately after wrapping my legs around her waist.

"I can walk, you know," I said in annoyance, rolling my eyes, but she continued walking. "Open the door for me, please," she smiles, walking down that carpeted staircase.
We reached the kitchen in less than a minute. Like I fly those staircases, Franchesca pulled one chair on top side. I started noticing the twelve chairs were gone, on each side. It was placed like a bench chair, the same as those in parks on each side. The long table turns out to be like a cafeteria with a long bench on each side. I took seconds to notice it. Don't mind it, I want to get tired growing up seeing those chairs," she said, acquiring my attention and following feeding me a thin slice of apple. After this, I wanted to go to my father's empty office," she said, and she nodded looking at me.

Before I blink any further, a single loud gunshot blast shattered glass and fell over down on the kitchen floor. Quickly peeking outside near the swimming pool, in a second raining bullets are everywhere. More shattered glasses scattered on the wide kitchen floor. Shades quickly smashed the button in the kitchen and went to bulletproof, buying some time to run away from. Looking at the bulletproof glasses, every time it gets hit by raining bullets, it is only stuck in the portion where it hits, and few get punctured.

Franchesca aggressively pulled me closer to her and wrapped her arms around me. Pulling the table as a shield, we both dropped covered on the other side of the table as quickly as possible. The next thing I noticed, we had already rolled aside the corner. The scented Franchesca scent made me lost in seconds. Everyone is in chaos, but I looked at her deeply. I assumed more fragments and strayed bullets were coming in. A snap hits me, and looking at Elise, she quickly runs to Shade's hiding. Franchesca went so furious the moment she saw my arm. I suspect it scratched my skin as those glass shards broke up toward us, where the first shot hit.

* * *

Francisca directly leads me to the underground, which I didn't know existed. "Damn it! I'm feeding the soon-to-be mother of my child! These people couldn't get enough of us!! " She murmured as we escaped. I still heard those guns shoot like it would never stop. I saw Shades, and Elise is already in there looking at the monitor screens. Where we all hiding in the basement of the manor house," Franchesca calmly pointed, and Shades immediately proceeded to go back upstairs. All of us are looking at the monitor screen. Taking seconds, a single shot of an arrow makes the shooter fall on the tree. I saw one by one they all fell; it ended with several dead men on the ground.

Looking at them, searching where those arrows come from. Franchesca pulled more daggers and knives in the cabinet fiercely. "Please stay here with me," I said. Grabbing her arms, stopping, she put down the weapons, touching the belly, looking at my wounded armed. Seeing her jawline looked like she was gritting her teeth.

Holding herself, encompassing her anger this time, "It will be okay," giving a kiss on her cheeks. Minutes later after the attack. I saw countless men on the monitoring screens battling against those intruders. One had a chance to show the Hassasins emblem to the camera to give a message, letting their presence be known in the place. The intruders came in more; I saw on the other screen one particular black vehicle arrived.

Watching over them, they took all the intruders; several men vanished into the woods in less than five minutes of looking at those cameras. "I told you everything will be okay, and please stay by my side. I cannot afford to lose someone again," I said, holding Franchesca's arm.

Franchesca stood calmly, analyzing, looking at the screens with her arms folded between her chest. Observing her fewer moments, she kept replying to those captions and taking a zoom-in, pausing those monitor screens. She paused and played again, seeing the emblems of the Fifth Lineage on their black suits with covered faces. "Uh," she clears her throat. "Camilla, do you have any idea what those are??" Franchesca stuttered, referring to those men, still looking at the screen. "Uh no, why?" I paused simply watching. "I believe in my gut everything will be fine," I continued.

"The Hassasins recognized you as their leader..." facing me, holding my shoulders, looking up to Franchesca, carefully listening. "If they recognized you as their leader, that includes me. Those men and women are very deadly, yet you have them so easily," she explained. I stood there looking. "Camilla, you hold them with your hands now, Camilla," she said in amazement, "a single word of command, they will follow you. "She explained specifically, "How this could be...?" Franchesca covers her mouth almost like she's whispering in disbelief witnessing how these Hassasins. They showed themselves and made their appearance just to protect us.

"Elize and Shades are cleaning my favorite kitchen," I said calmly. "I need to finish that apple," I added. "I don't have any access to any gadgets or phones; I wasn't expecting it really." I continue, "Babe. You control the Hassasins; they were being feared for centuries by the enemies of the Brotherhood Society; are you aware of that?" Franchesca had teary eyes, holding herself. "You controlled the most dangerous and deadly warriors, Camilla, she said, emphasizing herself and looking at her.

"Uh? Yes...and Franchesca, including you, you are part of them with the markings you had," I added.For the very first time they choose you as their Lord Camilla...!"She said, trying to understand what Franchesca was saying. Uh? Technically, it was supposed to be my father's." I paused. He is the one that's supposed to rule them and call him their Lord, based on what I've read in the system." "Again, I paused, looking at the door. "So, let's go upstairs and let's finish those apple side dish bullets,she said, encouraging her to go to the kitchen. Not to worry about hiding here in the basement, Franchesca, and I guess that's the tunnel way out, pointing on "it with a"smirking.

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