Chapter 10

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  Three years later, in New York City.

Sedo waved to the famous Hime who became a rising star model, wanted by many producers and studios, with her face on the screens and in the streets boards, she reached the top 1% after an effort, only few knew about it.

She walked in a beautiful fashionable dress and big sunglasses with a wide sun hat covering most of her features, and crossed the street then reached out for the man who gently took her hand and entered the nearby café, Hime called as soon as they sat down "Sedo, didn't see you in months, how have you been?"

"I was good. I am seeing you in lots of magazines"

"Yes, it's been busy the last couple of years. You too, you are doing well being a rising lawyer. I heard a lot about your cases"

"Hhhh. I missed you" he sighed with a lonesome expression hiding behind his work smile, but the girl smiled happily "I missed you more, I was so happy that you surprised me for a call, you never answer any of my calls when I try calling you, even my manager number, you are avoiding it... hey are you avoiding me now, that you are getting little famous yourself" she chuckled teasingly but then his next words stopped the wheels and cracked the happiness façade she was maintaining.
He said "I found him..."
"Stop," She raised her hand and took off her sunglasses, her eyes shot knives at him, "I don't wanna hear this name again. This person chose to leave me and disappear. He already took his vengeance on me. I'd like to continue my life without being bothered by him again..."
"You love him, Hime"
"NO, with a faint rising in her tone, she continued, "I loved him once but he twisted it and betrayed my trust then eloped with someone else. I don't wanna hear about him anymore" Hime stood up leaving in anger. But Sedo called sternly holding his simple robotic pose "He is in a hospital here in NY"

Hime turned back spooked as the reaper hovered round her back. She came shaking "What happened? Did he have an accident?"

She froze in her tracks.

"He is sick, Hime. He was sick all along... please sit"
Reluctantly she sat back trying to upheld an angry expression but the more she held from Sedo, the more her face turned pale in horror and shock.

"The reason I disappeared, was to know about what happened through his life. When you were getting treated for these years. His father ran away with another woman in the middle of the night after amassing a large debt. His mother went crazy and hung herself in her room. Aki couldn't face these misfortunes alone. So... he jumped off a 3 floors building in the 2nd year of high school"

Hime gasped at breathless, struggling to keep her mind clear after facing the avalanche of theses turbulent cruel news on her heart. Her tears ran down in silence with her mouth covering her mouth and eyes, she began shaking in fear, but Sedo's hand approaching and covering hers let her feel the safety she felt many years ago when she used to hold onto his before and after her surgeries.

Yet he continued "Aki survived but he developed an illness that causes him: dream loss and memory loss. He forced his mind to forget about his mother's suicide, his father's betrayal and your departure. He had to come back every night to write down his memory in his notes and dossiers so he can wake up next day and go on with his life... but at certain time after you came he began remembering things. He remembered his love to you all along with the suffering he had. But his remembering wasn't due to your arrival"
"Then what?" hurriedly she asked.
"He was dying. He had a brain tumor" Sedo stated calmly, the girl stared widely but then said "...Had?"

"3 years ago... After he was diagnosed with it. Yuzuki came to me,

{{"What is it you want? We already left you and Aki alone_"

"He is dying" Yuzuki said then she sat on her knees begging me

"Aki has a brain tumor. His only chance of survival is a surgery in NY. We already sold his house and I sold my condo. We sold everything we could get... even, Sachi donated after Aki dropped down the charges against him. Please help me. Your family is rich we are still low on 20 thousands $. I am begging you to help Aki"

I was confused by her words but only the thought surfaced to the top of my mind was our last encounter with him "Why should I help a man who rejected the love of the woman I yearned for. He is better off dead" Yes, I was consumed by my love towards you, Hime... that I almost killed a man.}}
Sedo turned his face in shame with a sarcastic smile, while Hime sat spooked by his actions, deeply worried of his next words and also ashamed of her actions towards him. She bit her lips and gulped her sadness, she said "Continue"

{{Yuzuki stood up crying. She wasn't sane at that moment, then she showed me a ripped paper of Aki's journals from your dossier... yours, Hime

"What is the meaning of this?" I asked

"Aki is losing his memory everyday so to remember his life. He keeps writing his journals. This Aki's last writings. This is his true feelings for Hime before he could forget all about her"

"Is this a blackmail? I don't care"

"Of course you care. You are in love with Hime. What do you think will happen if she knew that Aki died and you robbed her of her last moments with him.. She would never forgive you, besides if I go and show it to her... I am sure she will go to his side and leave yours in a heartbeat."


"Save Aki and we will never show our faces again not in front of you or Hime"

"Why go to such far lengths when he already gave his heart to another woman?"

"You might don't know but I have given him my heart long before he did. If it's my soul, I will gladly give it up for him as long as he can wake up again"

"... Go. You will have the money by tonight. And one last thing, don't tell Hime"

"I have no intention of doing that" Yuzuki left alone in her cold way}}

Hime looked surprised then shouted "How could you? How could you hide such frightening truth from me? If Aki died and I knew about that later. I don't think I would ever forgive you. Why are you telling all of this now? What do you want me to do?"

"Go and meet Yuzuki, she is the one who called me to do it. For me I had no intention of ever telling you the truth"

Hime gasped and frenziedly she slapped him heatedly. And that was the last hit that blow off the dam. Sedo held her arm "Yes, I wanted you to live and forget of the sadness he caused you. To lead a new happy life as a model. Am I wrong for caring about you? 8 years since we met in the hospital. My heart never stopped beating for you but you always had eyes for the boy in your dreams. What could I ever tell you, that you have no chance even if you got with him? You had heart problems. The slightest shock could literally kill you so I held back my feelings for you and kept forcing a stupid smile just for you but after all of this.. You come & hit me..."

Hime trembled in fear seeing her cool headed friend who always shielded her and always protected her from the shadows, snap out and shout his emotions like this. Sure the slap stings, but knowing she wasn't in control of herself was the greater cause for concern.

Hime called "Se.. Sedo, I am sorry. I.."

"Have you ever looked at me seriously? Not even a single time. All you thought about was someone else"

"Sedo.." Hime tried to reach for his hand but he shrugged off and stood leaving "Aki hasn't woken up. This is Yuzuki's work address. I am leaving and I sincerely wish you real happiness. But for me, I will try forgetting you so please don't come look for me again"

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