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I felt the vibration of my phone. My hands reached into the pockets of my skirt and pulled out my phone. I held it up to my eyes and turned it on. The light flashed in my eyes as five notifications popped up.
Three were from Anna and two were from an unknown number. I decided to go for the unknown one because I had never received a text from an unknown number before.

"It's Renjun."

My eyes narrowed and I sat up straight. I didn't remember us exchanging numbers.

"Heyy," I added an extra 'y' because it looked so dry without it.

Before I could ask how he got my number, he texted back,

"I asked Jisung for your number."
"Is that okay?"
"You know, we needed to talk about some things and I had no other way to contact you."

I thought it was incredibly nice the way he justified himself to me when it was perfectly fine.

"That's okay."
I replied. Every time I saw him texting back, my heart beat faster. I knew it shouldn't, but I also had no way to stop it.

" :)"
"There is one important thing we haven't discussed."
"You can't tell anyone we're on a fake date, not even Anna."

I frowned as I read his text. Anna is an exception to all of this. I've never kept a secret from her before, and this felt wrong.
"No. Not going to happen." I texted him back
I waited for him to text back, instead, he called me. I cleared my throat and took the call.

"What?" I asked him
"You can't tell anyone about this," he ordered
"Do your friends know about this?" I asked
He was silent, and I knew his answer.
"Everyone knows except Jisung."
"Don't worry, I can tell him and Anna." I was about to decline the call, but I heard his voice and paused.
"You can't do that."
"And why not?"
"Because they'd make it so obvious. And it won't be easy to convince Melissa that our relationship is real," he said, but I had no choice but to agree with him
"Okay." I declined the call and lay back on the bed

" I declined the call and lay back on the bed

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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