Chapter 19: Going back to normal

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(A/N I might cry...over 200 reads thank you all so much this means a lot to me I love you all dearly here is a new chapter for all you wonderful people enjoy)

Mark's Pov

The weeks after we freed the septiplier lands went by slowly. Sean moved in with me so we're no longer alone. I sighed neither me nor Sean have been on our channel since that day our fans must be worried sick. I looked at Sean who was sitting next to me watching tv. He was sleeping on my shoulder I smiled he was so cute. I kissed his forehead which woke him up. "Hmm yes what is it mark" he asked still sleepy. "Jack do you ever wonder how Sam and Tim's relationship is" I asked. Jack yawned slowly waking up "yes I think they love each other as much as we love each other" I smiled "my thoughts exactly" We stayed silent for a while till Jack asked me a question "um mark when do you think we'll be back on our channels " I didn't know how to answer me,bob,wade,yami,and jack are still recovering from the ordeal of freeing septiplier lands so non of us were on are channels. I sighed "when ever we recover completely and feel like things have gone back to normal" I said to him. He nodded and looked back at the tv. "Mark why are things going back to normal so slowly" Jack asked me. I sighed and shook my head "time isn't on our side babe it's not on our side" Jack blushed when I called him that. We're still getting used to the relationship so time feels like its going slowly when its mixed with recovery but its ok. "Mark do you think Sam and Tim have been boyfriends longer than we have I mean not only did they seem close and loving they seemed use to it" This got me thinking Jack did have a good point they were close though they said they were best friends. Yet I always thought they were more now that I think about it they did hold hands often and they said I love you to each other a lot but we always thought it was like a friendly love. "Yes Jack I think they were boyfriends longer than us." I replied. He nodded "I thought so" for the next few hours we sat there watching tv. Waiting patiently for time to go by and for things to go back to normal.

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