The Sudden Scream-Error

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Error opened his eyes to find himself in a large white space, almost like his antivoid, though it felt different.

Suddenly, he heard joyful, excited screams in the distance.

He turned, finding himself staring at a crowd of monsters, struggling and pushing themselves towards him.

He stared in shock, attempting to move, but being locked in spot.

His eyelights shook slightly as he looked at their faces, and their outstretched, grabby hands.

Suddenly there were hands all over him, touching every inch of his body, voices screaming into his ears.

He shrieked, struggling to push them off, though he wouldn't move. He couldn't move. Tears began to flow from his eyes, his shrieks turning into screams as he melted down. His body unable to crash as his haphephobia was forced to uphold to constant grabbing and touching.

His ears began to ring, the screams of himself and the others around him getting to his head. When he inhaled to scream again, he was back at Nightmares castle, in the spare guest room. Which was apparently all his now.

He accidently continued the scream, listening fearfully as it rang throughout the castle. Not caring that much as he curled up into a ball, a mental breakdown knotting up inside him as tears continued to flow. Shaking uncontrollably.


Nightmare was sipping some coffee at his desk, focusing on his paperwork instead of sleeping. He didn't need to sleep to live, but boy did it help.

He chuckled to himself as he thought of that, sighing as he began to spin his pen.

When suddenly a scream shook the castle, making Nightmare jump upwards in surprise. He caught his coffee with his tentacles, though his papers suffered a different fate. Scattering across the floor.

Though he ignored that for now, the tall goopy skeleton standing up from his chair. Already have put down his coffee.

He sprinted up the stairs to where negativity flowed strongest, and where he estimated the scream had come from.

It kinda sounded like Error.

He swung open his door to find Error curled up murmuring nonsense into his scarf. Nightmare slowly stepped forwards, making his footsteps soft.

"Error?.." he murmured, taking a seat about 4 feet away from the trembling skeleton.

Error's eyes flashed open distrustfully. Before his eyelights tested on Nightmare's eye. "Are you.. Alright, Error?" Error stayed still for a bit, the tears still flowing. Before he hesitantly shook his head, shuffling an inch closer.

Nightmare sighed softly. "Would you like me to come closer?.."


The skeleton nodded, turning slightly. Nightmare slid closer, gently lifting his hand to place it on Error's shoulder. Error held his breath, eyes widening with shock as his haphephobia wasn't triggered. His tears growing hard with fear, and relief.

His tears turned into a strained sob, before the last stage being a second breakdown. Nightmare wrapped his tentacles around Errors wrists, a purple-ish magic beginning to flow out of his eyelights and surround his goopy body.

Nightmare suddenly spoke. "Calm."

Instantly Error felt a rush of cool, his senses practically forgetting he was just having a mental breakdown. His expression mixed with calm and shock.

"H-H0w3'd y0u do th@t?.."

His voice was slowly settling to normal, still a bit glitched, but that was the usual. 

Nightmare sighed, "I had to learn. After all, my subordinates are a bunch of traumatized murderers." He chuckled.

Error was silent for a moment. "I See.."

Error began to feel tired, the time his eyes were closed after he blinked becoming longer and longer.

Nightmare began to have magic flow around him again. "Sleep."

Error passed out immediately. Not making a sound as Nightmare tucked him in.

"Sleep well, Error."

Nightmare smiled, tiredly trudging back to his room to continue his work.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2023 ⏰

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