Chapter 5: 普通だと感じられない

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The Next Day...
Ikari's POV..

I awake from my sleep to the smell of freshly made eggs and bacon. At first I wonder if it is the neighbours but then I remember that Mizu now lives with me. I have to admit, I'm not a fan of the guy. He claims to be from my ex-agency but he got cut the same way as me? I don't really buy it. But I have no other option but to trust him, if Kenji trusts him, I guess I should too.

I get out of my bed and get into my school uniform and walk downstairs to see Mizu in uniform aswell.

Ikari - "You go to my school?"

Mizu - "Oh hi Ikari sir, Kenji enrolled me so I borrowed some of your uniform. I hope that's OK."

Ikari - "Stop calling me sir. The formality isn't necessary, but it's no problem. I have multiple backups."

Mizu - "OK, I'll stop with the formal kabibl. But your out of rice, just a note."

I nod in response and add it to a shopping list, pinned to the refrigerator. I then take a seat at the table and Mizu hands me a plate of food.

Ikari - "Thanks, I'm pretty hungry."

Mizu - "No problem, I'm decently good at cooking."

I slightly chuckle at the self-praise but i continue to eat my bacon and eggs. After 5 minutes of eating, my phone lights up with a message from Kenji.

Kenji - "Yo school starts in 20 minutes. Imma head over to yours so we can walk together."

Ikari - "Got it. Me and Mizu will be ready. See you in 10."

3rd Person

Ikari alerts Mizu of the limited time that they have and he runs to start packing his bag. Ikari stands up and grabs his bag and puts his shoes on, then waits by the front door for Mizu to finish packing and for Kenji to arrive. He waits for approximately 10 minutes before Mizu comes downstairs and walks to the front door, and when he does they walk out to see Kenji waiting for them.

Kenji - "Hey"

Ikari acknowledges him and says "Hey" in response, Mizu just waves. Ikari locks his door and walks out the gate with the other two as their already talking about school and what activities are in place today. After five minutes of walking, Mizu brings up a conversation about the agency.

Mizu - "I'm still really shocked on how the agency could do such cruel things."

Ikari - "Believe it, man. They are ruthless, it's just best to block it out."

Mizu - "You managed to do that for a whole year, enlighten me sensei."

Ikari let's out a small chuckle at this 'fancy' response but gives a short and detailed answer.

Ikari - "Don't talk about them, don't think about them. Hell, don't even imagine them. It helps, believe me."

Mizu nods as he removes all of these bad thoughts from his mind and carries on talking about school and... 'water'... They arrive at the front gate of the school and Kenji speaks up.

Kenji - "I've gotta get to class early, Ikari, can you take Mizu to get a timetable and to his locker?"

Ikari - "Yeah, I got it. You get to class, Mizu, follow me."

Ikari walks off to the main office as Mizu follows him. They get to the front desk and pick up Mizu's timetable, then walk over to the lockers to unload. Mizu looks at his timetable and says his first class.

Mizu - "My first class is... P.E in the sports hall."

Ikari - "OK, well mine is English again. Great. I'll meet you by the vending machines after class, OK?"

Mizu - "Got it, see ya then!"

They both depart to their first classes and proceed to go on with their day.

After School...
Kenji's POV

I walk out of the front doors and notice that none of the two have gotten out yet. The best I can do is lean against the wall and wait.

??? - "Well hey there, Agent 7604. How's it going?"

I peak my head up in surprise and curiosity. No one should know that name.

Kenji - "Who are you? How do you know that name?"

??? - "Heh... Relax. I work with Julia, my name is Kirin. I'm her assistant."

Kenji - "Oh... What does she want? She knows I'm busy trying to get this guys trust."

Kirin - "She just wants to check up. See how things are playing out. Your doing good, right?"

Kenji - "Of course, now get out of here. They could be here any second."

Kirin - "OK... Just don't get caught."

Kirin walks away to a limo parked at the gate. The second she gets in, it speeds off. Damn, she's too curious. She's gonna get me caught.

Ikari's POV

I slowly walk out of the main door and see Kenji leant up against a wall, looking distraught and annoyed.

Ikari - "You OK? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Kenji - "Hmm- oh yeah, I'm fine. Just waiting for you and Mizu."

Ikari stands next to him as Mizu comes running out the door at full speed. He looks over and sees the duo leant up against a wall. He walks up to the all happy.

Mizu - "Hey, you two. You ready to walk home?"

Kenji - "Yep, I really need a snack."

Ikari - "I'm ready, I can't deal with this place much longer. Science sucks."

We begin our walk out of the main gate and towards home.  Then begin chatting about how mediocre our days were. After around 10 minutes, we reach my house and me and Mizu wave goodbye to Kenji and walk to the front door. We see a note on the door so I pick it up and read it. It says "普通だと感じられない". Mizu instantly translates it.

Mizu - "It says, 'You can't have a normal life' who put that here?"

Ikari - "I have my suspicions. But let's ignore it for now."

I open the door and we walk inside, throw our bags down and start watching anime for the rest of the night.

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