The hangover

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You wake up the next morning with a little headache but cant compare to the headache Stan is about to have. You go into his room to check on him but he is still sleeping. You go downstairs and start making some breakfast since both your parents are at work. You make some toast and bacon and when you hear Stan wake up you go check on him with breakfast, water, and Tylenol. "Good morning sleepy head" "what happened last night" he says rubbing his eyes. "You go drank too much" "not surprised" he says laying down covering his eyes from the bright light coming through the curtains "here i brought you food, water and Tylenol! This should help with your hangover" you hand them to him and go shut the curtain stopping the light. "thanks y/n you're the best" "try to rest we have that dinner for grandmas birthday tonight" he gives you a thumbs up before you go to your room.

You are sitting at your vanity doing your makeup when Wendy calls

*Phone call*

"Hey girl what's up?"

"Don't kill me"

"Wendy what did you do!!!"

"I gave this super cute boy your number and now you have a date with him tomorrow "

"Wendy!!!! Why would you do that!!!"

"Cause y/n you have been single your whole life! It's time you start hoeing around!!!"

"Wendy I'm going kill you"

"Y/n please just go on the date and see what happens"


"No y/n you're going! You have to!"

"Whatever I hate you"

"Love you too girl! I'll talk to you later byeeeeeeee please don't be maddddd I'm doing this for your own good!!!!"

"Bye wendy!"

*You hang up*

How could she do this. I mean you have always wanted a boyfriend but you never wanted to make your friends have to find one for you. You wanted it to be like the movies or those cheesy books where you fall Inlove at first sight and have one of those Disney relationships. But hey it wouldn't hurt to try. Now I just have to hide this from Stan or he won't let me go.

Later today you were in your room getting ready to go to your grandmas birthday party! It was at this fancy restaurant so you wanted to look nice! You curled your hair to give it some wave and we're putting on a little makeup. You changed into a sundress and admired yourself in the mirror. You heard video games comming from down the hall as you got ready. Kyle was over and him and Stan were playing games in his room since stan only had to thrown in a nice shirt and didn't really have to get ready. You sit at your vanity and continue to get ready. When someone is standing in your door way

Kyles pov

Me and Stan were playing video games in his room when Stan's mom came in "Stan we are leaving in 10 minutes and you aren't even dressed yet! Get ready!" "Ok mom relax" stan pauses the game and gets his clothes out of his closet. "I'm going to go see what y/n's doing while you change" stan nods and I close the door and head to y/n room. There she is sitting at her vanity curling her eyelashes or whatever that little metal thing does. She turns and looks at me "hey Kyle" "hey y/n you look nice" her face gets a little red when I say that "thank you" I sit on her bed on my phone waiting for Stan to be finished changing. Stan comes and stands in the door way "you ready y/n?" She nods and we all do downstairs "bye Kyle I'll see you tomorrow" stan dabs me you "bye man" I turn and look at y/n "bye shortie" I ruffle her hair a little, I usually ruffle it more but I was scared to mess it up considering she just curled it. She fixes her hair " bye dipshit" I laugh and head home

Y/n pov

Stan, me , my mom, and dad head to our family dinner and the whole time I can't stop thinking of my date tomorrow. I don't even know this kid! I never been on a date let alone a blind date! I sit there zoning out thinking of everything when Stan snaps me out of it "hey are you ok?" "Ya I'm fine" "y/n we're twins I know when you're lying! What's going on?" "Wendy set me up on a blind date for tomorrow at the to the arcade" "you're not going" stan says crossing his arms "what!!! Yes I am" "y/n I'm not letting you on a date with a complete stranger" "stan you can't control me" "fine you can go on the date but I'm coming too" "no you arnt!" " yes I am" "stan why can't you just trust me" "cause y/n I know the type of guys out there y/n... I just want it look out for you" "I can look out for myself. Stan if you come to the arcade tomorrow I'll tell mom about how drunk you got at the party yesterday" "you wouldn't dare" he says narrowing his eyes at me "try me" you feel like a badass bitch for shutting down Stan. The food comes out and everyone eats and sings to your grandma. Your family heads home and you watch Netflix for a hours before going to bed

Stans pov

After we get home from Tammy grandmas birthday party I give my good friend Kyle a call to ask him for a little favor.

*Phone call*

"Hey Kyle"

"Hey man what's up?"

"So Wendy set y/n up on this blind date tomorrow and I don't feel comfortable with her going alone with a stranger so I was wondering if you would go to the arcade tomorrow and keep an eye out for her"

"Dude I'm not spying on your sister"

"Please kyle I don't want anything to happen to her"

"Fineeee lmk what time her date is and I'll be there"

"Thanks bro it means a lot"

"Ya no problem"

"Goodnight kyle"

"Goodnight stan"

*end of call*

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